Monday, September 16, 2013

Success ... at the Library

My cuz came up with the solution and, no, it wasn't brilliant.  Albert Einstein was brilliant but it's not at all brilliant to overuse the word as much as Americans abuse 'awesome.'  Her solution was very cool as Leith has quite a lovely library and you will always find people in it.

The Leith Public Library from the outside looks as inviting as the Royal Dungeons but it's not like this inside where it is filled with light.  Children have their own area as do people who come to use the computers, others who come to read in a quiet place, etc.

The passport renewal papers are now in-hand as are the passport pictures.  There's some rigmarole required yet but the biggest obstacles have now been overcome.  Thank you, cuz.

Just down the street from the Library, you can get things happening with some bagpipes.

This cat doesn't just play the pipes, he builds them.  You probably have your own opinions on the pipes and whether it is a good or a bad thing to make more of them.  I'll leave that to you as what I see is a fellow who loves music beyond playing and makes the instruments himself.  Regardless of the type of instrument, there will always be high respect for that.

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