Friday, September 20, 2013

RT News - Quite an Impressive Source

Previously I had thought The Guardian provides the best news reporting around but I found an even better source in RT News.  Max Keiser provides blistering analyses of global financial activity and Breaking the Set, hosted by Abby Martin, is equally penetrating regarding a wide variety of topics.  Larry King is also featured on RT News.  Given these features, I had thought the channel was based in the U.S. but I was stunned to learn just now that RT stands for Russia Today (Wiki:  Russia Today).

I've previously received a recommendation from a conservative American friend regarding the even-handed reporting of al Jazeera but I haven't been particularly impressed by it.  I've also taken a look at BBC's Breakfast news but it doesn't seem to have much point beyond trying to provide visual proof that the British news reporters have larger breasts than their American counterparts.  A big part of their morning show is reading the headlines from various newspapers.  Gasp, what would Edward R Murrow think of that.  Maybe he wouldn't care and would just be looking at their breasts.

Perhaps you could call it a benign form of propaganda for Russia to provide what appears to be an uncoloured presentation of the news but it's not entirely transparent.  It focuses very heavily on activity in America but there is relatively little regarding Russia.  That fact notwithstanding, the channel offers information rather than editorials and it's your responsibility as a viewer to differentiate between news and propaganda.  The only way to do that is to keep your view as wide as possible.

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