Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Boobs in the News

A few days ago I wrote that female news broadcasters on the BBC have larger breasts than their American counterparts.  Most males enjoy looking at boobs unless it's a boob like Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly on Fox News but the observation isn't gratuitous as the BBC broadcasters wear form-fitting outfits so you can't miss the phenomenon.  They aren't flaunting their femininity but rather they aren't doing anything to suppress it ... and why should they.

It's not just on the BBC where one will see a high degree of femininity in the newscasters as Abby Martin or Thabang Motsei on RT News are beautiful women but, as with the BBC, they aren't flaunting anything, they just don't suppress it.  These aren't isolated examples or there would be no reason to comment.

If you look at female American newscasters, most will range from slithering vipers like Nancy Grace on CNN to the majority which are asexual beasts who have so suppressed their femininity that they wouldn't inflame the libido of a life-time prison convict.  It seems most think they can't compete with men unless they stop being women although why any woman would feel threatened by loathsome bastards like Hannity or O'Reilly is a mystery.

Unfortunately, there is one arena in which a British broadcaster has chosen to imitate America.  Specifically it's the imitation by Jeremy Kyle of Jerry Springer, the P.T. Barnum of human misery.  In both cases, they operate under the guise of helping profoundly damaged people to find resolutions to their problems but the real purpose is hugely-exploitative and they make tremendous salaries in doing it.

You can see on Twitter the result of what Kyle does as people comment frequently regarding his show that it makes them feel better about themselves because they're not such miserable humans as those featured there.  Most of the people appearing are heavily-overweight, obviously uneducated, and often are frequent users of drugs, typically heroin.

Going beyond these observations requires an editorial on the sociology of them but that's not my purpose as it's your job, not mine.  There's nothing I loathe quite so much as people trying to tell me what to think and American news is notorious for it but British broadcasters don't seem to do that too much.  However, British broadcasters are contributing to the overall propagandising in the news in their own way, albeit with more subtlety than the blatant examples in American news.

So, what does it all mean.  How the fuck do I know, I just like observing what we monkeys do with things.

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