Friday, May 10, 2013

Silas Goes for the Guinness Book Crash Record at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Last night was my show at Cat's Art MusikCircus and it's always such a huge pleasure to go back.  I don't play anywhere else and it really doesn't matter to me if I ever do as it's a very cool company playing at Cat's place and I'm damn proud to be in it!

This is my animation for standing about and looking cool before the gig.  You can get some ultra-cool guitar player animations from Ortho Vargas' shop and I'm happy to plug him as I've been dealing with him for donkey's years and he's always been very cool.

There wasn't much time for taking any other pictures as I was crashing every time my nose itched, it seemed.  Perhaps the problem is with my nose and not Firestorm and a good systems programmer should consider all possibilities.  What was strange about it was that when I logged back into Second Life, I couldn't see who was at the show.  I knew there were people there as I could see their messages in open chat but Second Life wouldn't show them to me.

So here's the MusikCircus magic part:  I thought, hmm, let's see if movie magic works here.  If I click my heels together and spin around would it make the people area.

Just from the fact that I wrote that, you already know it worked!  (laughs)  Get this, it wasn't just once.  The next time I crashed, the same thing happened and I did the spin around bit again.  Same result:  all the avatars appeared!  So I guess the bug report one submits to the Lindens should say I don't think it should be necessary to click my heels together and spin around to see other avatars!

(Ed:  Are you trying to be a musician or a comedian?)

Well, both, bro!  But...yeah...

(Cat shot this one and gave it to me when the Internet came back up again)

I'm not going to tell you I was fantastic because I wasn't.  The sound of the electric bits wasn't clicking for me and I started playing extra-fast which really just makes noise but doesn't make a hell of a lot of music.  However, I had twisted some knobs on the sound for the soft guitar and I was liking that a lot.  When the sound is right it invites you to go ... it doesn't matter where, just get moving on the trail.

I've uploaded a couple of the bits to the Ride the Dragon podcast and, as always, they're free.  If you like them, come to Cat's Art MusikCircus some Thursday, or any night, and hear it all live.  The songs I uploaded are "New Age" which is a song in which I had it 99% finished but one change was bugging me.  Ophir, my dear, dear friend and keyboard buddy, suggested adding an F minor and that was exactly the change it needed.  There is a New Age coming but you have to believe.  What you believe is up to you but believe it!

The other song I uploaded is "Jazzy Thang" which is a noodling kind of thing but that's what I've always loved doing most of all.  Of course it doesn't bias me that Cat likes it (laughs).

Thanks very much to other MusikCircus jammers who were there last night!  Voodoo Shilton will be playing at the MusikCircus tonight.  Lefty Unplugged plays there most Mondays.  Laralette Lane is playing there next, I believe, on June 6 and she has a lovely singing voice.  It's a huge compliment when other musicians come to your show and it is very much appreciated.  It makes me damn proud to be part of this crowd!

The show ended abruptly after maybe ninety minutes with a monster Internet crash and it's been down at home ever since.  Right now I'm online at my favorite place in Katakolon:  Kastro-Bar.

Much love to everyone who was there and most of all to Cat!

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