Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lefty and Untolerable Inventing the Music at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Last night Lefty Unplugged played the first show and Untolerable Bohemian played the second at Cat's Art MusikCircus.  I don't know if they have ever played on the same evening like that before but I'm sure glad I caught this one.

Lefty Unplugged was improvising right from the start in using a looper and then echoes.  Some may scoff at the use of devices, particularly when your sound is unplugged, but it's somewhat akin to driving a car.  You can do it like a taxicab or you can drive for the art of it.  Lefty knows very well the art of it and effects come and go seamlessly in a magical flow of sound.  Lefty doesn't grandstand and he uses a device when it is necessary and turns it the hell off when it's not.

Here's Lefty playing a real-world show just a few days ago with his friend Darren Poyzer.  This is not at all the same set he does in Second Life but it will give you a good taste of his performance.  (Lefty Unplugged is Kevin Farrell in RL)

Lefty's approach to playing at the MusikCircus is quite a bit different as there he is free to do whatever he likes and sometimes that means starting into a theme just to see where it goes.  Every time you want immediately to go with him.

Untolerable Bohemian showed up about halfway through Lefty's set and was quite admiring of Lefty's inventiveness, just as Lefty is admiring of what Untolerable does.

Untolerable Bohemian is a young man from Portugal and, as with Lefty, what he will play is unpredictable.  For now he is quite taken with doing cover songs but that doesn't at all mean he plays them anything like you ever heard on a CD.  If he's going to cover a song, he's going to do it in his own way.  Also like Lefty, Untolerable doesn't grandstand in his guitar playing style.  Both play exactly what needs to be played and nothing more and both are highly eloquent in the way they do it.

The point of this isn't to compare Lefty Unplugged to Untolerable Bohemian as they don't play sets that even resemble each other but the approaches they take to music are quite similar and the fascination is that this produces completely different but quite lovely things.

Just as Lefty will get electric when he feels like it, Untolerable will play in all manner of styles, depending on what the vibe needs.  He's a young man and he has plenty of time for exploring whereas Lefty is not a young man but he continues to explore anyway.  What that means is you never have to stop exploring and hopefully you won't!

And Cat and I danced!

We're not dancing with the stars but rather we're dancing in them and such is the magic of the MusikCircus!

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