Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gangster Continues to Work on Movie Role

After a blazing escape from a French jail which was obviously intended for nothing more than to make the movie of his life more dramatic, Redoine Faid was on the run for about thirty days.  However, that run came to an end yesterday when he was re-captured.  (CNN:  French gangster who broke out of prison in daring escape is captured)

French producers have said they want to get away from art films and jazz music as there is no money in them so they want to find a French Justin Bieber to make crap music and they want a story so they can be more like Hollywood and make crap movies.

Redoine Faid was cooperating quite well with this initiative and his escape from jail a month ago was perfect for a dramatic plot twist in his movie.  However, his capture may have ended his suitability for a movie role as it was quite stupid and his glamour appeal was quite a bit reduced by it.  As France's highest-profile criminal, the answer to escape capture is obviously to go to Greece and live on feta cheese and poor Internet service but what does he do .... he goes to a place just outside Paris where they caught him yesterday.  All over France, producers are tearing up movie scripts and saying, "Fuck it.  Let's go with finding a Justin Bieber.  How hard could it be."

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