Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Flickr Did NOT Screw the Pooch

Yesterday Flickr implemented some radical changes and there has been some quite hostile reaction, the summary of which is to change it back.  ('Screw the pooch' came from the US space program and is a cleaner way of saying the astronauts' original expression for making a mistake.  Wiktionary)

However, Flickr's change solved some quite pronounced problems:

Problem:  Space on Flickr was limited and, without a Pro account, you would easily run out of space.

Solution:  Flickr now gives you a terabyte of disk space for free.  For my purposes, this is a vast improvement.

Problem:  The Flickr display was ugly and was outmoded years ago.

Solution:  The new display is dramatic and impressive.  There is one drawback in putting so many pictures up at one time in that it takes much longer to load but this is likely only a problem when you have very low bandwidth.

There are other issues but those are the biggest ones with me and they have been addressed quite well.  I like it.

My Flickr page is Alan Fraser Travels and you can see for yourself.  (Yes, do expect kittens!  But they are far from all that's on there.  With a terabyte of disk space, there will be quite a bit more.)

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