Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Dinosaur Who Definitely Was Not a Kardashian

Savannasaurus elliottorum is another grassosaurus as opposed to meatosaurus which typically regard us as a food source although not such a fulfilling one when we're so small.  It looks much like any other grassosaurus we have seen previously with a gigantic body and a tiny head on a long neck but there is one distinction from the others.  (Science Daily:   New Cretaceous dinosaur from Queensland)

Savannasaurus elliottorum.

Credit: Reconstruction by Travis R. Tischler / © Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History

- Science Daily

No-one is ever going to cry out, "Hey, look at the tail on that thing!"

Alas, it (sob) doesn't have one or not much of one.

(Ed:  you're shameless!)

You say that as if it's a surprise (larfs).

Here are some details on the beast.

Savannasaurus was a medium-sized titanosaur, approximately half the length of a basketball court, with a long neck and a relatively short tail.  "With hips at least one metre wide and a huge barrel-like ribcage, Savannasaurus is the most rotund sauropod we have found so far -- even more so than the somewhat hippopotamus-like Diamantinasaurus," said Dr Poropat.  "It lived alongside at least two other types of sauropod (Diamantinasaurus and Wintonotitan), as well as other dinosaurs including ornithopods, armoured ankylosaurs, and the carnivorous theropod Australovenator."

- Science Daily

Frankly, we're seeing so many types of grassosaurs that it seems like they have NFL teams and visualize that sporting wonder if you will.  The Super Bowl is OK if you like that sort of thing but imagine it with dinosaurs and now we have a seriously wide world of sports.  For this sport we may have a reason to watch beyond whether Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunctions.

Note:  I think I learned of 'grassosaurs' and 'meatosaurs' from the kids in "Jurassic Park" but I'm not sure.

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