Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Finding Heaven in a Field of Buttercups

There was a field of buttercups and they changed to golden yellow cupcakes while the birds sang harmonies with each other to make the most beautiful chorus I had ever heard and all the animals danced a waltz for their joy in this life.

I asked the Traveler if it's like this everywhere and he said it will be whatever you like.  You only have to go there to see for yourself.

Then I asked him if this is Heaven but he said you have been in Heaven all your life and this part of it has flowering cupcakes.  I asked what that means but then he got cryptic and said seek that which you wish to find and, if your heart is pure, it will be there.

I had to know, do you have to be stoned to see this but he only parried to say, you're not stoned and you see it so tell me.

But I will be, I said.

Seek that which you wish to find, he said again.  It may not come today or tomorrow but it will come.

Then I found myself at Laguna Seca, riding a Formula racing bike but that was way too scary and I went back to the cupcakes but the Traveler wasn't there anymore.  The bike was pink so I knew it belonged to Lefty because only he is ballsy enough to ride a pink bike and I knew this one wasn't my dream but his.

Visions of all the things I had seen and done flashed through my eyes in a kaleidoscope of my life but I didn't see the Traveler anywhere I looked.  He had said seek that which you wish to find and I had not been looking for him so I shouldn't have expected him to be there.

Greece came and there were bouzoukis playing with happy cherubs everywhere dancing a form they had been doing for a thousand years.  The Sun shone so brilliantly and hot but that was perfect for everyone and we lived in the music together.

That passed and I was walking with the spirits of the Indians in Palo Duro Canyon with walls covered in colors as if done by a French impressionist and where the Indians had lived for centuries.  Some said they weren't around anymore but they were everywhere around me with their campfires burning as they prepared the meals for their evening and the life was vibrant all around me.  I could hear the sound all all their livestock and some say they aren't around anymore either but that didn't explain what I was hearing.

But Palo Duro wasn't the final destination I was seeking even when it was one of them and from there I continued.

I found myself in the field of cupcakes again but this time someone else was there and he asked me, is it like this everywhere.

I told him what the Traveler told me.


Anonymous said...

That was simply beautiful! ML

Unknown said...

Thank you so much as I figured it goes 50/50 with it's ok or you're a lunatic. These things aren't trivial to me and it means a lot that you feel it.