Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kurdish Chicken Dance by Kürt Kızı (Kurdish Girl - video)

We love multi-cultural while most are quivering in their shoes about it.  We're not quite sure why this girl should be so scary.

If you think that's so strange, talk to me about the American chicken dance.

Who knows really owns the legacy of this crazy dance but visualize the horror as Paul Dixon organizes hundreds of Cincinnatians to do it all at once for the World's Biggest Chicken Dance.

If that record has ever been exceeded then we're glad we didn't see it but Paul Dixon was a funny man.  He's long gone but likely the Chicken Dance lives forever.

My guess is eastern European for the real origin but good luck discovering that for yourself as we do not envy the research.


Cadillac Man said...

He was a big favorite of my grandma and David Letterman said his comedy inspired him. One of his best known bits is 'The Chicken Wedding'.

Unknown said...

It seemed like everybody's mother loved the guy. I saw him a bit once in a while and thought he was a lovable coot. I had forgotten about the Chicken Wedding. It takes a special kind of demented to come up with the idea in the first place and then the chutzpah to make it cool. Crazy guy.