Monday, October 3, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 10/2


The Staten Island - such a tragedy and so quickly forgotten but some work diligently to ensure it is remembered in its own museum

How About - a serious review of using wood for large-scale construction projects

Bernie Sanders - he worries about what we think of Clinton but the fact is we don't think of her

America's Gasoline - this was disturbing regarding U.S. fuel consumption since I had thought there had been improvement but actually there isn't any and this is why

Rich - if you don't have one of these, Bill Clinton, you're still just an Arkansas hayseed who strikes the pose

Saturday Night Live - yet another set of current comedians who aren't worth the sweat off George Carlin's ass because they have no balls for dealing with Clinton

What Are - Hillary Clinton's latest failure in attempting to show she has command of English or, well, anything else.  It's eleven o'clock so where's Billy, Hilly??

Because - one of the most exceptional pieces of neo-flamenco in the last thirty years and yet interest flags in favor of an octopus.  It's a strange time, my brothers.

Because We Know - well, that was March so I'm not sure what we know now

The Pentagon - this one ran hot earlier today but didn't have the steam for the long game ... that's generally how it goes with the Pentagon anyway

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