Monday, October 3, 2016

Harry Truman, Above-Ground Nuclear Tests, and How We Got This Way

Harry Truman's mantra was heard for the last time with him when he said repeatedly, "The buck stops here."

As we have seen with Presidents of the last thirty years or so, the buck doesn't stop anywhere but this was a different time since it was much closer to the only successful conflict of the 20th Century (i.e. WWII).  WWI is judged a failure or there would not have been a WWII.  From a systemic standpoint, it was all the same war and it finally ended in 1945.

It took about five years to start another one and Harry Truman owns the responsibility for it.  Cadillac Man has been reading lately about Truman and he doesn't go to the WIKI for information but rather goes for a book the size of most European cars.  Through that pursuit he sustains his position in the knowledge of history and the further knowledge most Americans don't have the faintest interest for what's in it or current political candidates wouldn't even be able to get jobs washing cars.

Harry Truman gave the specific order to start peace-time nuclear testing which had never happened any time previously in history.  Historians can make justifications for experimentation and exploitation of nukes in WWII but, frankly, we're not much interested since that's an existential circumstance in which they perceived 'do it or die.'  OK, behavior can depart somewhat from the 'normal' in such circumstances.  However, there was no war except the one he was starting when Harry Truman gave the order for the first above-ground post-war nuclear test since that began the Cold War which has not stopped to this day.  Americans (i.e. non-Pentagon Americans) only pretend it doesn't exist now as they go to their gay little parties and ask sometimes, "What do you think of women's rights?"

Frankly, in the perspective of nuclear weapons, women's rights to fry to charcoal are exactly the same as those of men and failure to consider that matter is why I have no respect for women's rights in any other context.  If you want to be treated like an adult, consider acting like one instead of petulant teenagers who are just pissed off because you're too homely to attract the football team and wound up instead with that fat ass loser who married you.  As it happens, we're the regular Dagwoods who are the ones you call fat ass losers and we're seriously tired of living with simple-minded vipers who only dream of fucking the football team ... or the cheerleader squad instead since, wtf, it's the 21st Century, isn't it.

(Ed:  you're envious of the football team?)

Consider for a moment, Dallas Cowboy, the choice between a Harley Davidson or a football.  What will be your choice, Poofy Man??  Tip:  Harley riders don't grab each other's butts whenever someone made a nice ride.  Grab a Bandido's ass and you're going to get shot.

Cadillac Man has nearly finished the tome regarding Truman but I really only have one primary interest in him and that's a full understanding of why he did it.  One thing we know is he knew almost nothing of nuclear weapons since no-one back then knew much except they make a very big bang when they explode.  They knew almost nothing of the larger aspects of nuclear since they weren't aware or had little awareness of 'fallout,' etc.  That alone should give a reasonable perspective on the Pentagon's relationship to high school boys since neither will review much of anything so long as their immediate needs are satisfied.

Harry Truman started the Cold War against Josef Stalin and the result is history or, more accurately, the lack of result since the situation now is exactly the same as it was then with the Pentagon posturing with nukes it doesn't understand.  Keep in mind the Pentagon has authorized the use of white phosphorus in Syria and it's generally banned because it will burn right through you.  Water won't extinguish the fire.  That should give some measure of Pentagonian morality or the lack of it.

(Ed:  what morality is there in war?)

What say we ask Joan of Arc, General Cupcake?  The lack of morality is at the top and not the bottom.  How about fake terror videos as an example?  (RT:  Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terrorist videos)

Part of the drive is to establish that history.  Some accept it and that goes either way with a percentage wanting to salute him for it and others wanting to burn him at the same stake as Joan.  Note:  the ones who want to salute him don't measure to much since they're simple and generally salute anything that moves; very little self-respect or self-esteem in that lot.

It's too late to burn Harry Truman but maybe we could start something as well.  Instead of a Cold War, how about a hot one in which we celebrate with the Burning of the Undead.  How about we dig him up so we can burn him.  Think of the advantages since it's festive and evil yet no-one really dies. Fun for the whole family.

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