Sunday, October 2, 2016

Rich is When You Have Your Own Nuclear Bomber

The Blackburn Buccaneer is a gorgeous aircraft and it's capable of carrying a two-ton nuclear bomb.  As your average rich-as-hell billionaire, you can get a gold-plated commercial airliner which is probably really good for sex and cocaine or you can get a nuclear bomber capable of demolishing entire cities by itself.  I know which one will impress my friends the most.

The first question with your acquisition is where can you park it when every country in the world will probably arrest you simply for owning it.  South Africa lets it go so that's now where the Blackburn Buccaneer calls home.

Africa has been nuclear for many years but they haven't had an aircraft capable of delivering a nuclear bomb.  Now they do so it would be a bad idea if Congo pisses them off.  The aircraft is privately-owned but maybe the owner would do a special contract gig with it if he gets to blow up a country.

Maybe we shouldn't dismiss the owner as a completely worthless, self-indulgent, waste of oxygen since maybe he builds schools in Africa and maybe helps work out ways to deal with the starvation experienced in various areas.  Maybe it only seems like he's just another narcissist whose existence is an insult to humanity but it's really not true.


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