Monday, October 10, 2016

The Rock City is Stalled for the Moment

We have some interesting comments on the impossibility of the Rock City but if you can't drill it out then build some big ass lasers and burn it out.  Nothing is impossible unless Republicans prevent it.  Regrettably, they don't do anything else.

Note:  that's not a pat for Democrats since they don't do anything else either (i.e. they're just Republicans in drag).  As we saw with Clinton the Smaller, we haven't seen any Democrats since Reagan and Clinton the Smaller was the first.

We did hear from Yevette that Clinton the Larger will implement Sanders' plans and that's so lovely and facile, isn't it.  If you believe that bullshit, look at what Obama did (i.e. nothing).  The only real accomplishments toward a better world from Obama were in opening Iran (i.e. rejecting Saudi domination of US foreign policy) and opening Cuba (i.e. rejecting Republicans with plastic penises).

So, instead of America taking on ridiculous problems, it would be a life-giving breath of fresh air if America only tackled impossible problems.  As we have seen in the past (i.e. long before Reagan), those we can do.  If we don't have a way, we will find one.  The cancerous malaise of Washington is the only thing stopping it.

Responses to the suggestions of impossibility may have been a bit snippy in comments but we're assuming the Kaninchen aren't the typical 'droids running around this country so they should be able to hack it.  The riff raff may believe it's possible to solve problems by avoiding them but we don't and we expect the best from the Kaninchen while we don't expect anything from the riff raff.  Let them have their Facebook to hang about muttering and waiting for death but the Kaninchen want just a wee bit more out of life than that even when we're sick and hungry busted down mutants 'people' would like to see burn in a fire.  Fuck it, I am burning in a fire (larfs).

Back to the rack as at least the fire is more comfortable that way because it's not so incredibly cold.

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