Monday, October 10, 2016

Found Me Some Spinach

Things haven't been tracked much for a few days but ...

Fox and CNN finally got some kills in North Carolina from Hurricane Matthew but people likely won't draw the extension of over-rated phenomena to the election.

If you're not sure about the stupidity of the gene pool in Arkansas, "WKRP in Cincinnati" was too complex for them and, yep, they gave some flying lessons to turkeys.  (CTV News: 6 turkeys dropped from plane at Arkansas festival, 1 dies)

Another of the consequences of Theresa May and BREXIT.  (RT: Сhildren stranded in Calais ‘Jungle’ camp thanks to British bureaucracy – Red Cross)

Here's a commentary on 'beta males' from a 'zeta female'  (The Guardian: What happens when the alpha males run politics? Donald Trump)

We would run the pic of what a second-rate Doctor Phil looks like but she's as average as the rest of that Guardian lot (i.e. no chance you would want to take her home).

For something we really do like:

On the Rock City theme, I looked a little at American manufacturing and three million jobs have been lost in fifteen years for about nineteen percent of that workforce.  Most of the manufacturing seems to be in aerospace but Airbus has been fastest grower in recent years although Boeing has always been strong.  Oh, by the way, how many people do you know in aerospace.  I've known two in my life as Lotho can fix jet motors and Yevette worked at Lockheed Martin building them.

This is one of the biggest drivers behind considerations of sociological changes because they have been in-play since the Reagan years and there's no evidence of improvement.

Manufacturing in the United States is a vital sector, although its importance to the U.S. economy has been declining for the past forty years.

Major increases in the construction, finance, insurance and real estate, and services industries played a significant role in reducing manufacturing’s impact on overall U.S. production. In 1990, services surpassed manufacturing as the largest contributor to overall private industry production, and then the finance, insurance and real estate sector surpassed manufacturing in 1991. Since the beginning of the current economic downturn in 2007, only computer and electronic products, aerospace, and transportation have seen increasing production levels.

Take a look at what 'services' means as it's vague but it includes retail and welcome to Walmart.  As to what's the construction, that seems obvious:  building more Walmarts.  The rest of the construction may be roads but that hasn't been much either.  Eisenhower built the Interstate system whereas Obama only filled some potholes.  America's dreams sank by a damn sight in sixty years.

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