Sunday, October 23, 2016

Captain Fantastic Lives the Dream of Every Hippie

Captain Fantastic is the dream of every hippie, nascent or otherwise.  He makes it believable in a world which seems it tries to make such a life incredible to everyone else who scurries from their prefab houses to their cardboard cubicles and ...

Sorry ... got carried away with some nascent hippie shit.

Captain Fantastic is one of my dreams but my wife doesn't die in mine.  My other dream is the white-bearded Guitar Wizard with the Galaxy Guitar making music, twinkling, and firing lasers.  There are some conflicts in dreams yet to be precisely agreed.

Everyone in the family evolves in immense ways and it's all hugely imaginative even when dealing with common things like when the eldest finds his First Heavy Crush.

Christians take some heavy fire and, in one case, I disagree with it.  My Hippie Woodsman would present the life of Jesus with as much enthusiasm as for that of Noam Chomsky and that's important because Captain Fantastic's family celebrates Chomsky's birthday instead.  If they can celebrate Noam Chomsky's birthday along with that of Jesus and also understand the Bill of Rights at eight-years-old, I'll happily call them well-educated, at least in terms of foundation.  There's the larger view of Christianity I have omitted and deliberately in the context of the view of the movie being the theme.

Most of it is busting dogma so the strong of spirit shouldn't get busted too much I suspect.  Besides, he sees his wife and talks to her on multiple occasions so resolve that as you will.  In my view, it seems much more harsh in this context than it really is.

It's definitely a chick flick, tho.  Even though you don't know his wife because she's already dead at the start of the movie, you mostly do by the end anyway, and you still get ripped to shit by it ... but ... the recovery is so fantastically excellent tears will likely still be there but for a whole different reason.

Hey, I warned you it's a chick flick and now you're fuckin' crying, aren't you (larfs).

'Interesting' is a banned word in the Captain Fantastic family. I fucking love this guy.  He makes his kids think.  He's fantastically fantastic.

In some ways it's bullshit since only seriously smart kids could hack this.  It's why Indians had great chiefs ... the dumb ones were eaten by bears or some other dumb thing so they didn't get to vote.

When he tells his youngest daughter about why sex it's almost delicious how easily and calmly he does it.

When Captain Fantastic says 'fuck it' and they roll for the funeral with bagpipe playing and the kids singing, it's how I feel when I stand up to play.  Tears flow in multiple places for this movie and this is sure one of them.  You roll, Captain Fantastic.

Maybe you did not see it yet but read this anyway.  I see it was released this year so maybe you have not seen it.  I knew what was coming so I was mixed on watching it but the power was undiminished.

Some movie trivia: Captain Fantastic's brother-in-law is played by Steve Zahn, the same actor who played Lenny, the goofball lead guitar player in "That Thing You Do."  He's a talent as he never seems he's just reading the lines.  He was a total whack in "That Thing You Do" but he's equally convincing as a concerned but mixed-up father.

Comment elsewhere to Cat:  As to Oscars, give it all of them. That sounds so American to do that but it earned them.

No response as she has not seen it yet.  She recommended it so her streak continues with five star movies every time.  The streak even survived a chick flick.  Unbelievable.


Anonymous said...

More "Prepper" than Hippie I thought-but enjoyed the movie. Steve Zahn played his brother.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful man!! Loved the article.

Unknown said...

I really wasn't seeing prep in him as I imagine the magazine provided the threads for those photo shoots. He doesn't sound like he lives off the grid but he sure doesn't live in it as do so many. I admire the guy in part for how he managed to find fame and big bucks yet he avoided the plague since no-one seems to know who he is.

I'm glad you enjoyed it as I've been bugging Yevette, you've got to see it, you've got to ...

Unknown said...

As to a beautiful man, in real he is still the impossible hippie dream to me. As to the aesthetics of beautiful, I'll leave that to the full-length from the bus (larfs).