Sunday, April 6, 2014

Well, That's Unusual or Conversations with Hookers

You are a woman in a city in Germany and you notice to the side of the road up ahead there's a truck just like yours.  It gets your attention because it's an uncommon vehicle.  You know it belongs to a prostitute because that's why girls bring their trucks out here.  As you get closer, you can see the girl is outside the truck so she does not appear to be engaged.

Of course you pull over to talk to her.  She is cheery on greeting you and asks if you would like to join her for a cup of coffee.  You climb into the back of her truck which is outfitted very nicely including a little unit to make coffee.  She seems nice so you relax and, why not, smoke a joint and talk.

You have a pleasant conversation but after a time there comes a knock on the door of the truck.  Your new friend asks the person to open it.  When the door slides open, the gentleman sees both of you, breaks into a big smile and asks, "For two?"

This is one of life's wonderful moments when there are really no words to say in response.  Your new friend is laughing hysterically and you are laughing now with her but you still beat a quick retreat.

So, what do you suppose was the topic of conversation with the prostitute.

Yep, that would be about where to get parts for their trucks.

Sorry, Charlie.  This isn't the porno store!

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