Thursday, April 24, 2014

Onur the Turk Takes Cat's Art MusikCircus

It's been seven years and I've never heard a Turkish musician in Second Life.  In my whole life, I may never have heard a Turkish musician ... until last night at Cat's Art MusikCircus when Onur came to play.

Onur doesn't speak much English but that isn't something to stop Cat as the Euro approach is to kind of dicker with someone to find some way to communicate.  The American approach is to walk away when someone says no habla but Euros see it as a challenge to find a way.  No common Turkish, ok, let's try some French, some German, and so it goes.  Rather than keeping people apart, I find it challenges people to come together and I love it.  This is one of the wonderful things about Cat's Circus as maybe one night most people are speaking German, on another Italian ...


Onur comes to play ... and all of his girlfriends and there were many of them, all of whom were speaking Turkish.  Cat, Riana Magic, and I are the almost-every-time regulars and none of us have any idea of Turkey except that it's close to Greece ... and they make cool music.  Run away?   Noooo.  It's fascinating!

Onur's music has a distinctly Middle Eastern / Oriental style and his singing shows nothing of Western influence, which I mention because it makes his performance even more interesting.  It's not that he's some kind of musical anachronism but rather his performance is something new to appreciate.  I couldn't really even say if it was good or bad as I know he performed well, it sounded cool, and the crowd was diggin' it.  If anything else is required, I'm not aware of it.

There were some technical troubles and there some others to resolve.  Don't let that stop you from hiring him but be advised that it takes a measure of skill if you're going to play multi-language in SL. He's getting a bit of clipping and that's normally a simple thing to fix when everything is in one language but it's not so simple when there isn't a common language ... except Google Translate.  (I'm not being facetious as it has been an incredibly useful tool)

(Ed:  this is just more bullshit eclecticism from a New Age that's riddled with posturing crap.)

In fact, that isn't what happens.  This is simple curiosity and Cat has LOTS of that.  I go along as she's very good at it and sometimes I don't even like what she finds.  When I first heard Paris Obscur I didn't like it as his music is an extreme taste and I just listened to a brief selection.  That wasn't enough to discover what he really does which I now see is incredible.

I also remind the Editor of when we bought records just because they had twisted covers and we would think, well, I wonder what maniacal stuff is on this.  People talk about diversity all the time but it's usually middle-management white guys who don't believe a word of it.  Don't talk about diversity, BE diverse.

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