Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ride the Dragon Podcast (free)

The Ride the Dragon podcast contains recordings mostly of my live sets but it has also carried the dubious comedy of Reverend Silas T Sasquatch and what may also be comedy in some of my poetic readings.  It's all free and has been for years.  The Donate button on the sidebar is the tip jar and hopefully anyone liking the tunes will throw some jingle this way.

The purpose of this blurb isn't so much to plug it ... but why not ... the object is to tell you about subscribing to it.  There's no way I can know if anyone subscribes to it so I give it very little thought. The mechanism was established and people could choose it as they wish.  Beyond that, I know as much as you about who uses it.

Yevette mentioned her subscription a little while ago and that got me thinking of mentioning it to you.  To use it you need iTunes but it will also work with any competent newsreader / RSS reader (e.g. NetNewsWire).  Either way it's a simple thing if I upload more than one song as iTunes or your reader will fetch them for you and no action from you is required.

Subscribing to the podcast is via the iTunes or RSS icons on the Ride the Dragon podcast page.

The mix down quality of the songs will never be studio level as the speakers I use to monitor are not 'flat' in that they may exaggerate bass tones or whatever.  There can't be any 'color' added by the speakers as that won't happen in the same way on someone else's speakers so the mix will be flawed.  I have another pair of headphones it may be possible to use and they have greater accuracy (i.e. flatness) and I will try to get those into service.

Note:  the same flaw exists when I review the recording of a show.  It won't really sound as it sounded to you as it is being 're-colored' by going back out through the speakers again.  To hear the objective sound of something is quite a difficult (i.e. expensive) thing.  It should be possible to get a decent compromise with the other headphones so we shall see.

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