Friday, February 7, 2014

The Sheeple of Shapebook

The people of Facebook weren't too amused by "The People of Facebook" but I asked which category of emotype was in error and did not receive any repudiation of anything I had written.  I did get a question as to why I keep slamming Facebook and I asked, "Why do you keep reading it, honey?"

People on Google+ think this doesn't apply to them but it's almost exactly the same except Google+ has got more dorks trying to hustle get-rich-quick schemes for search engine optimization and Internet marketing.  It seems it should even be obvious to a forest creature that if these people were any good at such things then they wouldn't be pissing away their days on social networks.  So that's another emotype to add:  the Entrepeneur - some drunken washout in Des Moines who wants to help you sell refrigerators.

When Entrepreneurs are alone they dream of having their very own car dealership.

What I slam most of all is the notion of virtual friendship as social networks have done more to undermine the concept of friendship than venereal diseases.  I have relatively few friends and I'm glad of that as I like it that way and I know without doubt my friends are Very Good People.  For someone on Facebook or any other online network to think that clicking a button is in any way analogous to the process that resulted in friendships that have existed throughout my life is one of the most extraordinary things I have ever seen ... it's also one of the most destructive.

I trusted some of these online friends in Dallas and they ripped off nearly ten thousand dollars worth of equipment at a real-world Second Life jam.  The insurance company didn't pay off on the loss and the cops said the video surveillance cameras would have been useless to find out who did it.  Lots of people went boo-boo but otherwise did not lift a finger.  You seriously have to ask me why I don't believe in Facebook??  (laughs)

I know who my friends are and I'm damn glad to have you all.  I had hoped the guitar would work out and I could share the goodness with you but that didn't exactly turn into limousine service for everyone.  So there's the blog instead.  You can't have sex or do coke in the back of it while you drive around but, what the hell, you won't need a shower either.

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