Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Equal Time for Slashing Atheists

The reason people want to punch atheists isn't so much what they believe but rather they are so fucking smug.  The Atheist has got everything figured.  He understands the cosmology, the Higgs Boson, and every kind of scientific gimcrackery known to the "Popular Science" magazine.  There is no God.  No God.  Got it?  You dumb fuck.  It's obvious there is no God.

There are any number of ways to wreck an Atheist's life and the easiest is to keep pushing the model of the Universe bigger until their explanation of it explodes.  Say there, Satchmo, there are patterns of movement of galaxies that are so large that they could only be explained by the influence of external Universes.  How does that work in your precise world of dials and knobs.

Without logic, an Atheist flaps his arms and gasps for air but there is no logic in a Universe of stars appearing for no particular reason and there's damn sure no logic for quite a number of Universes doing it.

But the biggest counter to the Atheist isn't that there are billions of stars but rather that there are billions of stars and they work.  If you're God in your Heavenly metaphysical place and you decide to create a Universe, it's got to have all manner of Laws of Physics or it plain won't work.  The damn thing will blow up and then you need to make another Universe.

You can play Intelligent Design all night long as any other explanation requires the Universe to 'invent' the Laws of Physics as it goes along after the Big Bang and this is just another form of determinism.  The Laws of Physics could not have existed prior to the Big Bang as there wasn't anything there.  Either God invented them or rocks did and you've got to ask yourself which is most plausible.

(Yes, there's the Noise in the Woods When No-One is There situation in the question do the Laws of Physics exist even if there is no matter affected by them.)

If you've got one of those Prizefighter Atheists on your hands, he may not have cracked yet as he'll respond that invention of the Laws of Physics is irrelevant.  They are defined by the nature of matter and space so invention has nothing to do with it.

Here again, the existence of the Laws of Physics isn't that interesting but it's very interesting that they work.  For example, you take maybe a pound of uranium and pound it in whatever esoteric ways.  This pound of stuff will blow up in one monumental explosion thus showing the astronomical power in a very small amount of material.  Looking around you and understanding just how much material is there, why would you not ask why it all doesn't just explode.  It's not just interesting that it works, it's absolutely amazing.  Do you not think it would take multiple tries to get a Universe right.

Note:  you get the big win if you can get the Atheist to say 'miraculous.'

Good luck.

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