Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Musical Meandering in a Mellifluous Midnight Melange

No, of course that title doesn't mean anything, Dagwood.  When you smoke cheap reefer, strange things happen.  However, I haven't smoked any cheap Texas reefer today so maybe it really does mean something.

I played for about an hour and a half last night.  There was nothing scheduled but someone was a bit bummed over various things.  That someone was not me as last night I had smoked some cheap Texas reefer.  Since I could not share any of the cheap Texas reefer with my friend, my next thought was to get loud and blow stuff up.  Even when you are miserable, explosions are cool to watch.

Estimating the suckage in my music is close to impossible.  I haven't even a small idea of what people think of it.  People rarely say anything and you can see from the blog that no-one ever writes anything.  One saving grace is that no-one ever says YOU RAWK when I play as there would be no choice after hearing that other than setting the guitar afire and then stabbing myself with a fork.

Nope, I'm not whining, it's just an unusual state of existence.  The only answer is to play whatever the hell you like and hopefully people will stay to listen to it.  They did last night and that seriously is the number one measure for me of my musical suckage.  If they stay maybe I don't suck but if they leave then I definitely do.  If they stay, you still don't really know whether you suck but there is at least a chance that you don't.

I listened to part of the recording for the show and thought, yep, you suck.  Yevette said it didn't suck ... but she is biased.  I will try to listen to it when I get back later ... or I'll take a nap before the shows by Michi Renoir / Reis and Aldo this afternoon / evening.

There will also be a report later about Untolerable Bohemian's show last night at the MusikCircus as he was kicking it up most impressively.

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