Wednesday, October 5, 2016

You Can Build a Rock City or Bill Clinton Who Won't Build Anything

The status of American health care, still the most painfully-laughable system in the world, didn't seem it could possibly get more corrupt or chaotic but, sure as hell, Bill Clinton delivered the crowning piece when he said the Affordable Care Act is crazy.  (The Hill:  Bill Clinton slams ObamaCare: 'It’s the craziest thing in the world')

That gives us the currently twisted line up which shows:

Donald Trump thinks health care should be burned because, well, fuck poor people

Hillary Clinton spoke as if the Affordable Care Act was a blessing from Jesus and she will extend it to include support for the poors who were supposed to be in the original ACA but Obama dropped us because the public would not support us.

Bill Clinton has jumped into it in his usual charming and cloddish way to say the ACA is crazy.

If you're thinking Keystone Kops, join the club.

Bill Clinton says he has a 'better idea' for how to deal with health care in America but perhaps we could review the circumstance a little.  Bernie Sanders had a better idea at least six months ago and your little woman just crucified him for it, didn't she.  Now you're throwing out her idea too so we're guessing you must be some special kind of genius, huh, fella.

If you're thinking neither party has a functional GPS, it's looking that way here at the Rockhouse as well and that's why we got fed-up with following their idiot shenanigans.  As stated previously, Hillary Clinton wouldn't even get out of the gate if Donald Trump were not so abysmally awful since she's no damn good either.

A whole lot of people are thinking a Trailer Park White House is impossible to avoid what with such horrendously low-grade candidates and I'm one of them but the people have more options than simply accepting them.  If you start chucking politicians into Boston Harbor instead of bags of tea then we're highly-confident that will get the attention of those flea-bitten, back-stabbing, pigdogs.

(Ed:  politicians from which party?)

Both of them.

There are still only two of any consequence from any of the parties:  Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.  Chuck all the others into Boston Harbor and America will be just fine.  Don't worry about them floating back to the surface since people in Boston never fully inflate anything.

(Ed:  was that a cheap shot at the New England Patriots?)

Well, it sure looked like one to me.

If politicians looked to their principles rather than polls, there wouldn't be this indecision with my, oh my, how can I best represent America.  That's not really the question, is it.

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