Wednesday, October 5, 2016

When Science Doesn't Help As in Fishing

One of the most significant problems facing the world is overfishing and, as with many other problems, little is done about it because the power of the money of the corporate fisheries can buy whatever it wants and usually that means the absence of regulation.  The Japanese show us in the most egregious way what total contempt for life in the ocean means since they have no problem turning the water red with the blood from the slaughter of dolphins and we don't even want to see the bloodbaths they create with their whaling vessels.

What better idea than to facilitate the ability of commercial fisherman to find shoals of fish.  (Science Daily:  Help for fishing vessels to locate their catch)

Most of the new science we see is highly-admirable for pushing our knowledge into fascinating new directions but something is not appreciated when it only serves to extend the wildly-irresponsible plunder of the sea.  We can't keep treating everything on the planet as if we own it or we will wind up telling the Volcano God what we think we own.  Tip:  he doesn't listen very well.

India Indians have the coolest gods since they've got a god for everything.  Some are good and some are worthless shitbags but they can relate to them.  The Western God is the hugely-imposing monarch and he's just not the kind of guy you're going to ask to spot you for a burger today and you will pay him next Tuesday.  We like the idea of gods all over the place because, even if nothing else, it's one hell of a lot more colorful.

India gives us the Festival of Colors and who else makes a god out of color.  We have really got to party with those guys.

We don't want to drift off too far into the fringe just now.  We really have nothing good to say about consuming things just because we can so that demands divergence but we will make at least a minimal effort to keep things focused.

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