Thursday, October 6, 2016

Using the Brain to Model Advanced Computer Systems

Don't let 'reboot' in the title fool you as there's some exceptional science regarding the use of processes within the human brain to design advanced processes in computing.  (Science Daily:  Turning to the brain to reboot computing)

Note:  every boot of the computer is unique so 'reboot' doesn't mean anything except to geniuses who work in call centers and would otherwise be working in the fields or stealing cars.

(Ed:  being a touch snobbish there, eh wot?)

I sure enough am and, after over thirty years in the business, I fuckin' earned the right (larfs).

Paraphrasing the content of the article is senseless as they're doing beautiful work and a CNNslation of it (i.e. translation according to CNN) would insult the content and would also insult you.

One significant aspect of the research is it was performed at Sandia Laboratories, one of the most highly-secured outfits in the land.  My experience with Sandia was in Albuquerque and I don't know if they exist beyond that installation in other sites.  The Sandia site is inside the mountains in the city and some may have hooted at my idea of Rock Cities but the military has been building installations of that nature for ages and my experience was in the seventies.

Note:  I was stationed at Sandia Base but I didn't have security to enter the mountain.

The Sandia base was so heavily-protected there were barbed wire fences around the entire perimeter and armed guards with shoot-to-kill orders patrolling with attack dogs at all times.  It was rumored the protection also included a mine field but anyone who knows for sure is probably in multiple pieces now.

(Ed:  this is one seriously hotshot lab.  I'm hearin' it)

Fo' real, my brothers.

For a somewhat less advanced use of the brain, the ride from El Paso, TX, to Albuquerque, NM, was on a Kawasaki 90 loaded with my Army duffel bag and anything else I could strap to it.  Mister Toad's Wild Ride across Europe on a scooter wasn't the first time for shenanigans like that in my life.

I didn't want to beat the bike too much so I thought I was giving it a bit of a breather as I coasted down hills but sometimes the motor would stall from that.  After a while I realized it was seizing.

The reduced supply of fuel meant it wasn't getting any oil and, crunch, the motor seized.  It wasn't like seizing the motors in the kart engines since those were usually demolished by it.  In this case, I could wait for it to cool and start it again to continue my wayward journey.  There's the right way to go touring on a motorcycle ... and then there's the way I do it.

The intrigue for the research regarding the brain / mind functions is in part because of the starting point in the sixties.  Back then Psychology was almost entirely about the software and the psyche, you know, that's a lot about sex, isn't it.  That Freudian motif made for a mass of textbooks and bad sci fi movies but it didn't change all that much until it exploded in the modern time with research going in every direction.

(Ed:  that idea doesn't support the Millennial Malaise too well!)

Note:  the Millennial Malaise came up in Ithaka:  The Depression Made Better People Than the Millennial Malaise

This really doesn't have much to do with the Malaise since the hotshots are too distant from it.  These hotshots are so crazy in love with the science they will do anything to pursue it but that's always been true ever since the Church would burn you at the stake if you said the Earth is round.

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