Thursday, October 6, 2016

Oh, You Thought Corporal Punishment of Students Stopped in America?

On this subject we know for sure there will be disagreement but report on the scope of corporal punishment in America may shock you.  (Science Daily: Corporal punishment is still legal (and used) in US public schools in 19 states)

We will note right off the top there appears to be a disproportionate use of corporal punishment on black children.  That's not the point of the article but it's still important to mention in terms of 'grow the fuck up' and stop picking on black people.

It's not the purpose to make this a commentary on racism but we didn't want that to slide away.  Your considerations of corporal punishment are probably more generic than that in terms of a teacher hitting any kid, particularly your own.

If'n any teacher hits my kid, my gun is going to load itself.

That's one position and the other is giving the authority for appropriate discipline to the school.

Probably not surprisingly, here in the Socialist Left at the Rockhouse, we believe no teacher should ever hit a kid without expecting a response in high-speed, leaden projectiles.

(Ed:  what about Gandhi?)

Gandhi will have to sit this one out.  Don't fuck with my kid.

Others of you likely recognize every kid has the potential to be a vicious juvenile delinquent no matter how much they look like butter won't melt in their mouths.

Go ahead and swat the little brat.  He's got to know the limits.

Fair enough on that thinking as well since I'll sure as hell swat his ass if he misbehaves around me.

Maybe you want to consider 'how much corporal punishment is ok' and what constitutes 'over the line' behavior.  Some humans get off on physical pain for some type of sexual redemption and then you have a teacher straight out of a Pink Floyd nightmare.

The standard in American schools has usually been The Paddle which is maybe 12-18 inches long and maybe 4-5 inches across.  It was said some teachers would drill it out to get better airflow, less resistance, and a better whack.  Unknown if that was true as I never got swatted with one and never thought much of The Paddle, actually.

For major pain, you need the cane they use in Australian schools and probably Brit schools as well.  For this one if your transgression wasn't terribly severe then you get a swat across the backside and that would be a warming experience but not particularly life-threatening.  The next escalation for more severe transgressions was a swat across the palm.  This one is going to seriously hurt but it's not the big one as that swat goes across the knuckles and you won't use that hand again for some while.

Oh yes, they ensure whichever hand they hit is not the one you need to write.  Don't think you will get out of any schoolwork for this.

All I ever got from corporal punishment at school or at home was a total contempt for authority and it didn't reduce my tendencies to misbehave and instead increased them.  Regulars at Ithaka have seen I have almost zero respect for any authority figures but I don't regard this as a liability.  When they carry guns and I don't, it's mandatory.

Note:  it's not my purpose to start a debate on the matter since we all know how online debates end and no-one much likes being called a NAZI wardog.  Comments are welcome so long as we're clear nothing we decide here is going to convince wayward teachers to turn their paddles into plowshares or some such.

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