Saturday, October 8, 2016

Screw Drinking All That Water

We're hammered constantly with the idea we need to drink all the water in Lake Erie every day to have an adequate supply in the body.  What do you know as that theory turned out to be hogwash.  (Science Daily:  Do you really need eight glasses a day?)

It turns out, as usual, your body knows much better what it needs than some nutritionist in Hoboken who's trying to sell a diet book.  After drinking the amount of water your body wants, it will activate a swallowing reflex which resists swallowing more because too much water is toxic and will definitely kill you.

The study showed that a 'swallowing inhibition' is activated by the brain after excess liquid is consumed, helping maintain tightly calibrated volumes of water in the body.


"If we just do what our body demands us to we'll probably get it right - just drink according to thirst rather than an elaborate schedule," Associate Professor Farrell said.

- Science Daily

We also have a less than scientific observation:

"I don't drink water because fish fuck in it."

- W.C. Fields

Here at the Rockhouse, we have hated the curse to drink so much water every day since there's no way my body wants that much but it seemed a nutritional duty to prevent dehydration, etc.  Well ... apparently not.  I never lived up to it anyway but I felt cursed to try so now the curse is lifted.

Praise be.

(Ed:  you don't believe in anything so what could you possibly praise??)

Life, my man.  Life.

Maybe with the water we save, we can float that idiotic Kentucky Ark to a real ocean and get rid of that embarrassment.

(Ed:  global warming will bring the ocean to Kentucky!)

You won't get that lucky.  Think it through:  if there were any evolutionary pressure on Kentucky, don't you think there would be some evidence of evolution.  Instead they built that crumby Ark and made a laughingstock of themselves in front of the world.

I rest my case.

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