Sunday, October 16, 2016

Ride Bloody Fast with Michael Dunlop at the Isle of Man TT (video)

Meathead fans of crashes will be disappointed as this one is about riding at 200 mph and doing it damn well.  Tellin' you straight, I never had the balls nor the skill to ride at such speeds but I get one big bang out of riding along.

Each time you hear the motor rev up suddenly for just a moment, it's the rider going airborne.

Big balls, big, giant-size cast-iron balls.

There's a parallel video of the Isle of Man TT which is acknowledged as the most dangerous motorcycle race in the world and some blood monkey made a compilation of crashes.  I have not and will not review such vile content as anyone who does such a callous thing has obviously never been on a track himself.  After you have bounced on the track or the road in any way and survived, your perspective on life will gain something others may never know.

This video is one for which the video producers were chased out of the room because they often do such annoying edits as if they will increase the drama but what greater drama is there than flat out at 200 mph.  Such producers can easily make a video of this nature unwatchable.

The dicing here between two of the best in the world is about the marvel of such incredible speed and such astounding ability.  Be aware there's the potential for a touch of vertigo as you watch as it's that fast and that dangerous.

Note:  you have the Silas Assurance there is no crash.  I have hit the ground hard multiple times and I couldn't stand it to see any crashing.

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