Monday, October 17, 2016

Or Maybe Some Early Cheesecake from Elizabeth Taylor

Ordinarily, here at the Rockhouse, we regard colorizing B&W photography from the past as tantamount to defiling the memory of Jesus or rejection of the idea of conspiracy theories but in this case we're willing to consider a little latitude.

Here's a woman who could be sexier on her worst day than many could ever manage at their best.  She's the woman who inspired more bad Richard Burton imitations than any other source in his history.  All of those imitations were likely strongly driven by the fact those imitators knew they would never stand a chance with her.

Elizabeth Taylor was a dear friend of Michael Jackson and stayed loyal to him through all the trials of his life until he died.  We will love her forever ... and just wish to hell we could talk like Richard Burton.

Note:  thanks again to Pink for this one.

(Ed:  wouldn't it be more appropriate to thank the Good Lord?)

Fair enough!

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