Monday, October 17, 2016

Ithaka Will Likely Tank After Today

After blistering Americans with more truth than they can possibly handle, they will likely disappear as quickly as the first wave disappeared when I went broke and the second wave when I got sick.

I have nothing but contempt for them for failing to honor their commitments while using the vile excuse of improving it some day.  Trust us.

It's not clear why they expect trust when there's no evidence of a basis for it in anything else they do.  They failed to adequately support VA so the idea of trust is absurd.  Americans were more than eager to fuck up my life with the Army but they give absolutely as little as possible in return.  Was seeing the doctor they committed would be there really that much to ask.

Whether Ithaka tanks or no is just fortune telling and you can get that more easily and with considerably more glib commentary from the media.

My loyalty is to Die Kaninchen if for no other reason than there is none anywhere else but it's more than that.  There is as much love in my heart as there ever was but my willingness to share it beyond y'all took a major nosedive today.  There's no way to burn the willingness to share out of me altogether and the beat will go on until they put me in a box and burn me.

Mystery Lady, it was a delight to see your comments today because your attitude is perennially good despite what they have done to you.  I hope you know you're the thought in mind with some of those articles and it doesn't matter to me if anyone else likes them so long as you enjoy them.  I need some pics of Toby the Dog but using a camera with a flash on a dog is so unbelievably wrong.  There's another way.

Cadillac Man, your correction on my error regarding the original initiation of the CIA is most appreciated as well as your support about the encouragement from you about continuing to stand when it gives inspiration to you as much as your support inspires me.

Lotho, you're holding a lot in reserve but the love in your heart motivates everything you do and you're not sending adoring sunbeams but anyone who needs those should get a dog ... and I did.  In fact, I'm quite sure all Die Kaninchen have dogs and maybe that's part of why perspectives on things remain solid.

Yevette, you're determined to find some validity in these politicians and I know it's disappointing to know I won't even look at them but I'm just not interested in hearing the politicians talking about promises they won't keep.  You have a loving generous heart and that will tide you over the best for any of the bullshit the pols will throw in the future and you know well it will come.

Laughing Gecko, you don't say much but I rarely ever saw you without a smile and I hope that vibe persists to this day.

Pink, I'm not sure how much you read Ithaka, if at all, but the support from you has been beautiful as well.  I know good-hearted people when I find them and maybe y'all really don't know how rare and precious you are.

Ain't that one hell of a rogue's gallery, huh?

I can't offer a video with the Galaxy Guitar just now and I won't try recording one tonight since I need the tub and light to do what I want to do.  There's no expectation anyone will love it but what I hope you derive from it is what you will from an Old Fucker who will keep getting up no matter what comes until life knocks me down.

I did a really awful cover with Mystery Lady of "I'm Still Standing" and this was after getting back up from the damages after the biggest bike crash.  Mystery Lady really, really didn't want to do it but I stupidly insisted because the theme was so important to the trip.  Of one thing you can be sure, I won't do that again (larfs).

Multiple of you were at that show and this is how it should have been done:

I may wobble but I am still standing and I don't go down that easy.  One thing I know for sure is I'm damned if I will be judged by anyone ever again.  According to the Book all say they believe, there is only one Judgment and it doesn't happen here.

Confirming as always, I have not rolled as, unlike pols, my beliefs don't waver for the circumstances. I could get along with religion a whole lot better if it were only about Jesus as anyone who can't respect that man has got some major bolts in the crankcase.  As to God and his frogs ... well ... (larfs). 

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