Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Deep Damage from Cyber Bullying

Sometimes the science isn't exactly bringing sunshine but it's not science if it's always bringing the result you want.  (Science Daily: Children involved in cyber-bullying much more likely to view web content containing self-harm and suicide, according to a new study)

Compared to those not involved, the odds of viewing web content related to self-harm were twice as high for cyber-victims and cyber-bullies and three to four times as high for cyber-bully-victims.  The odds of viewing web content related to suicide were two to three times as high for cyber-victims and cyber-bully victims.

Dr Görzig concludes: "The findings add new insight into the specific association of each cyber-bullying role… It appears that cyberbully-victims are perhaps the most vulnerable groups and arguably the most in need of support for various psychological problems."

- Science Daily

As a non-parent, it's easy for me to say, well, no way in hell will any kid of mine go near a social network.  Even as a non-parent, I know kids can easily be more vicious than adults because they don't think far enough yet but it would be presumptuous to conclude who the actual perpetrators are when I don't really know.

(Ed:  are you familiar with the Nailing Jell-O to a Tree Parental Model?)

Yah so I know it's likely impossible to keep them off social networks unless the parents get iron fisted with access to computers.  Trying to control almost always go to hell but some measure is necessary so what do I do, what do I do.

The article has the focus of discovering who most needs psychological help but we're also interested in the sociology in the first place.  Where once bullying was a local problem, now it's a global sport in this context.

Sorry as this one is a major bitch to resolve as the science shows it's not just people bellyaching for attention as the problem is real.

The sci is fixing it there's a whole lot more science needed to get the right move.  Here at the Rockhouse, we're going economic due to proven connection between poor economic disparity and increased social dysfunction.

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