Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bellydance Means Look But Don't Touch

The dancer is Miabella, a friend and instructor in dance for Yevette, and the lad is the early version of the Texas Tallboy.  Of course the dancer was fuckin' with him but he knew her and he also knew the rules so it was all in good fun.

The picture was taken at Byblos, not too far from here in Fort Worth, and they offer the hookah with flavored tobaccos.  It was legal for him to smoke it and he felt like it gave him a buzz.  Maybe it did because he sure looked like he was hammered and even his eyes would glaze to some extent.

Note:  caution on hookah as it's not as benign as it seems.  It's still tobacco and it will still kill you.

Bellydance seems like a gigantic sex club but that's so far from what it really is.  The dance is highly sensual but don't you touchy touchy since it's the greatest faux pas you can commit with bellydancers.  It's the sisterhood and has existed, maybe for millennia, as a sisterhood which empowers all of the sisters.  It doesn't matter if they're big or small, pretty or plain, as they're all the same in the sisterhood.  The most attractive ones will likely attract the attention of men but the sisters know how that goes.

See how he has averted his eyes, maybe so as he doesn't offend or seem too eager but the dancer knows and more than likely she was smiling but most of the time she was anyway.  Bellydance is always a smile or you're not doing it right.


Anonymous said...

Then that is the first Hookah bar that is allowed to serve a minor.

Unknown said...

They must have been doing it on the sneak then since you can see he wasn't of age. The people at Byblos are all tight together so that might be the answer.

I've heard various warnings about the hookah, that it's really much more dangerous than it seems even when recognizing it's tobacco in it. I haven't seen validation of that but possibly it's true since there's no real filter on the smoke and the smoker might as well be inhaling strawberry-flavored cancer. Unknown for sure.

Anonymous said...

Sucking smoke or vaporized oil into your lungs is not good for them. But people have been doing for centuries and will continue to do so

Unknown said...

Using a vape is something which I've found a complete hoax. I found no mitigation of the impact of a hit but that's vaping real bud rather than any type of hash oil, etc. I do believe there's distinct danger in using them either way.