Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Tiny Church in Agios Andreas for Easter in Greece

Some egregiously uninformed self-proclaimed Christian said he would school me on Christianity but he has nothing to offer when his only interest is in wiping out Muslims.  How Christian of you, (cough) sir.

This was the Greek Orthodox church for Agios Andreas, a tiny place next to Katakolo, and I attended with Harry Loutas and his family for an Easter service after they invited me to accompany them.  It would have been grossly offensive to take pictures during the service and it was not my inclination to do so anyway since it was a deeply spiritual experience and one I will never forget.  The picture was taken the next day.  That trucker can't offer me anything nor can he offer anything to Greeks either, for that matter.  (WIKI:  Agios Andreas, Katakolo)

Even now I feel it when I can look at the picture to remember and go back.

Note:  the WIKI did not mention Pontikastro is usually known by its more popular name, Mouse Castle.

Likely you can see the scale of the church since it was tiny and held so few people that many attended outside.  All of them lit candles it was so beautifully sensitive it almost makes tears.

Whenever I think people can't do better, I look back to this and know immediately, "Oh, yes, we can."

All through writing this is, despite its shortness, I have been stopping to remember and knowing there is real peace and there is real love.  Your heart only needs to be open to it.  So many have lost the belief of that and for any of them my recommendation is the same:  go to Greece for a while.  The religion is Greek Orthodox but it's not so different from Catholicism.

That there was a schism is hardly surprising as Catholics often disagree with one another.  Lumping them all together as conservatives isn't true and isn't accurate.  In fact, there has been talk of a schism lately because some conservatives are dissatisfied with the liberalism in Pope Francis.  This makes for the zenith in Manifest Destiny:  if we can't find any other church to justify our aggression then we will make one of our own.

Oh sure, you've got to larf! (Ithaka)

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