Sunday, September 11, 2016

Unplugged Twitter to Remove Useless Crosstalk

Crosstalk is any kind of audio interference which, say, crosses stereo channels, and the term is likely used for any type of electronic pollution of that nature.  Twitter and content within it operate at cross purposes to Ithaka.  Therefore, anything on it is useless crosstalk so it got axed.

There's one fundamental rule about online:

Ithaka doesn't count as online because mostly I don't know who you are and chatting in the non-productive way of online is likely impossible.  Even when some may want a dialog to move faster than the average sloth with a hangover, blogs just don't work that way.

Well, I know who four of you are.  That's not bad out of hundreds and sometimes thousands a day, right?

Note:  it ran up to thousands per day during the Euro jaunt as that was definitely Mister Toad's Wild Ride.  I insist to this day I really did not know how crazy it was going to get.

Note 2:  it did not previously occur but I definitely MUST find a copy of "Wind in the Willows," ideally with original illustrations.  In fact, that just became a quest.  Mr Toad has been my lifetime hero.

The reason Ithaka remains the cornerstone of it is consideration going both ways.  It doesn't faze me to spend an hour considering an article ... and there will still be damn typos in it after I let it fly.  The consideration goes both ways since no-one wants dogfights whereas dogfighting is the specific flow of online.

They have overwhelming obsessions with being 'liked' or 'popular' and maybe someday I can be Prom Queen, mom.  Out here in the real world, we actually get it that most people won't like us to the point of insisting, oh, yes, please borrow my car to do whatever you want with it.  Out here we know it's cool just to get along with people and demanding to be 'liked' is almost an imposition.  So I'm here to sell some tomatoes ... does it have to be an emotional exchange.

You know it doesn't because you just want the tomatoes and you know the guy who sells them is ok and this is all that relationship needs to be.  Maybe it can evolve and you become lifelong friends with the Tomato Man but for just now it's cool just as it is and that works for both of you.

People don't have enough to do and every social network screams of a crushing malaise which comes down on people when they don't see avenues leading anywhere else.  When the roads close down they turn in on themselves so let's go to a social network where people are all doing the same thing (i.e. nothing).

(Ed: like you're a fountain of productivity!)

I write and you read.  Maybe you think what you just read was rubbish but you thought and that's precisely the intended product.  The thinking behind it is my hope.  My strength is declining but that's not true for everyone so the hope is people see reason and do sensible things with it even while I see little sensibility in behavior now.

(Ed:  you seriously think what you write is reasonable?)


There's been a deliberate move to jet down the incendiary aspect as there are things which will fly any of you around the Moon with rage because of the injustice or this or that but dwelling overmuch on the ubiquitous anger in the country makes it seem like there really is nothing else.

We have those incredibly beautiful storks from yesterday and wonder just why people started saying they deliver babies.  This baby couldn't figure out how the baby from the stork would get down the chimney but storks somehow have that covered.  It was in all the stories, right?

While it seems such things can be a diversion from that which is real, we don't accept any reality in that which is conveyed by the mainstream due to multiple widely-accepted distortions we don't need to detail here.  Therefore the Fundamental is that 'mainstream reality' is the diversion and the simple joy we take from those storks is the reality.

Those storks lead us to the recent research which showed the eldest of the long-distance fliers who may go thousands of kilometers to their nesting areas are the ones who direct where the flock will go.  Maybe the elders decide it's better to stay a bit more North this year.  In this way, the juniors learn the way and then they can make such decisions when the time comes and they're the eldest.

The term for the study of animal behavior is ethology and you can see immediate parallels between these birds and human life.  It's generally true with humans that we listen to the elders but on a progressively shorter list as time goes by until we won't listen to anyone.  That gives a bit of ennui if you like for why, oh, why don't they respect the wisdom of the elders but, wtf, you didn't, right?

Whether those birds or humans got it right is your call to make of it what you will but this direction in thinking, I believe, serves much toward what we are rather than someone telling us what we should be.

In the ever-lovin' words of Lotho:  figure it out.

It's all about teaching a kid to fish and there's a brief story with Cat and her boy.  Times were tough and they lived well outside the city.  There was a pond nearby so she grabbed a fishing pole and took her son, then about four-years-old, and went down to the pond.  After they caught a fish big enough to have for dinner, her boy lost interest in fishing ... but he never forgot how.

Cat is definitely a 'figure it out' kind of woman.  In time all of us become 'figure it out' kind of people because, chum, eventually there ain't nothin' else in the pantry.  You may not think you can do it but it's a peach of a time to surprise yourself.  That's the finest kind of surprise there is, really ... whoa, I didn't know I could do that.

What gets you giggling more than anything else, huh?  Maybe you think of musicians laughing after playing something hard.  Yep, that's why the giggles.  Man, I wasn't sure I could do that.  Dayum good feeling, that one.

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