Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Update on Manifest Destiny

Even if you know nothing else of American history, you need to be aware of Manifest Destiny because this is the doctrine which justified killing more people than the Third Reich. (WIKI: Manifest Destiny)

The update is in case anyone questions the validity of that statement but consider the population of Indians in colonial times is estimated to have been fifty to one hundred million.  The unconscionable slaughter of those people is something America, particularly Republicans, whitewashes to this day.  The disgrace is even deeper relative to Germany where they do try to make things right for what they did.  That doesn't give them absolution but it does give them respect.  Those who whitewash what Manifest Destiny did, however, deserve no respect whatsoever.

As to how many Indians were killed by guns and how many by disease, it's impossible to know.  One clear fact is they were alive before the colonials and now they're not.

The original article goes into some depth on the content of the doctrine of Manifest Destiny if you're interested to pursue it further and the summary is this was one of the darkest periods in Western civilization as even the Communist purges in Russia and China didn't come close to all the murder which took place in America.

As you know, maybe painfully, from your own lives, there is only one right way to deal with a problem since you must face it, try to make things right, and then try to move forward.  America has not done that and Republicans do everything possible to blow it off as evolution in action.  Fuck it, we had the guns.

That's not exceptional, it's fucking abysmal, and their position with the refusal to accept the reality makes them the worst and most deluded people on the planet and thus a walking cancer on the face of the world.  They visit more of their cancer on the Middle East as it's their steadfast purpose to wipe out Muslims now.  They're nothing more than animated destroyers, the most selfish people the world has ever seen.

There's a price to be paid for continuing the policy of Manifest Destiny since eventually the entire world will turn and they can't defeat America in a conventional war but a a guerrilla war will bring the country to its knees.  The Army has shown repeatedly it has no idea what to do to fight guerrillas and they will be shredded.  There's no way to use their profiles or any of that Fascist crap since there won't be any single profile which matches when all of the world gets fed-up with America's imperialist horror.  It's happened to every empire which ever existed and the Republicans with their endless murdering invite it.

It's your choice as you can still stop them but be aware even Abraham Lincoln protested the imperialism in the doctrine but it didn't stop them.  There's no way you can save the country if you don't because Manifest Destiny is draining off half and perhaps more of the tax base every year with congressional Republicans endlessly trying to chisel even more while marginalizing everything else in the country (i.e. you).

I do believe you can do it but I do confess I'm really tired of waiting for people to find self-actualization and be real.  Yes, America did some really bad shit but try to make it right and then move forward as civilized members of the world's family.  Right now America isn't even close to that.  Moreover, it doesn't want to be, at least from any evidence they present.  Their words mean nothing as Americans can be incredibly charming and glib but they're still the most calculating killers in the world.

Yes, I know the Kaninchen are not this way but what shall we do when we're outnumbered by murderers.  One thing I know beyond doubt, if we don't fix it then the rest of the world will.  They will only put up with the imperialism for so long before they react as, amazingly enough, America will never be able to subjugate the entire world no matter how much Republicans dream of global domination.

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