Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Rock City Theme Part 6

Maybe you wonder how your WiFi will work inside the Rock City but (sob) the painful truth is it won't.  Don't saddle yourself with such limited thinking as connectivity will be handled entirely differently because we want vast improvement over the half-ass crime-ridden networks we see today.

There was some tentative thinking a while back, maybe primarily from Google, regarding the need for dumb terminals rather than high-end computers in home installations because it's much more effective to centralize the processing.  That thinking has floundered and Apple is backing into it in an absurdly clumsy way with iPhones and iPads.  They go in two directions at once since they proclaim the compute power of the devices but it's still not all that much and is completely worthless if you want to compute weather forecasts or anything which takes major crank power.

This may sound like the same old mainframe versus distributed discussion but the form of the system is dictated by the exigencies of the environment; it's solid fucking rock so WiFi won't even go from room to room much less home to home or beyond.

The Central Computer

Enter CENTROID as he's the Big 'Bot in the Center and maybe think SIRI ... who has been to school ... all of them.  This gives us another of the strata within the Rock City complex which is populated by the most bad-ass beastly computer complex we can build.

It's all very well to build it but it won't be worth much without connectivity.

Note: this is where we hit a homework assignment since you need to be familiar with "Brazil" to get the full view of a metropolis gone mad with its infrastructure.  The movie is fantastic in multiple ways but that nightmare is portrayed in an exceptional way.  It shows what happens when you don't design the infrastructure well enough to grow with the system.

Because of the rock, the only way to connect CENTROID to anything else is to wire it.  Right away the Systems Boys go nuts with the idea of future expansion.

(Ed:  what happens with Son of CENTROID who is so much more powerful than CENTROID that he will burn up all the wires if you run him full bore.  How do you deal with that in your Rock City?)

We need 'intelligent wires' because we know it won't work if we simply allocate twice as many as we think we will need because that will either waste a lot of resource or create a system which will eventually fill anyway, it will just take longer.  Therefore, the ability of the transport medium has to become significantly greater and more intelligent, far beyond the light fiber used today.

(Ed:  you will train light?)

Possibly and scientists are doing it all the time these days.  They do tricks with photons like Houdini pulling rabbits out of hats.  Therefore, we anticipate intelligent channels and our design for the electronic 'plumbing' will stand without installing twice the anticipated need, etc.

What About Earthquakes

The CENTROIDs in the different Rock Cities will connect using the same general models as today which employ high-capacity cables or go to ground-level and beam the content via satellite.

Note:  all except Japan since building a Rock City in Japan makes as much sense as putting a fireworks factory in a volcano.  It looks like those dolphin killers are screwed for this plan.

Many parts of the world are geologically stable and it seems much of Europe never feels so much as a tremor unless it comes from Iceland.  Coincidentally, Iceland is screwed too.  Nevertheless, most of the heavily-populated areas of the Earth are on geologically-stable ground and should be suitable for construction of Rock Cities.

As to L.A., well, good night, Irene.  Most of the West Coast would not be suitable but coming inland makes a huge difference, at least until you get to the New Madrid Fault near the Mississippi.

As to earthquakes making Rock Cities prohibitively dangerous, we're not buying it since likely you will be safer underground than above it unless it's an earthquake which splits the ground but in that case you would be screwed either way.  Unless you're silly enough to build your Rock City right on top of a fault line, it shouldn't do more than shake and the buildings don't fall over.

Note:  they have improved the ability of L.A. buildings to withstand earthquakes but good luck to Saint Louis if New Madrid blows.  Their earthquake resiliency is probably near zero.

Computing in the Rock City Home

Stay with the theme of dumb terminals in the homes because their compute power will draw from CENTROID so they don't need onboard intelligence.  CENTROID has all the cool software and knows all the cool stuff so have a ball.

We still need to connect those dumb terminals to CENTROID so there needs to be some kind of appliance analogous to the current modem / router devices.

In short, everything goes to the Cloud and your computer is dumb as a rock.  However, its evolution has continued in its presentation capabilities.  When you need a bigger display, you just unfold the damn thing.  There are many varieties of flexible media floating about so that shouldn't even be so far away.  More often than not they will probably throw holographic images rather than two-dimensional displays anyway.

We gain some primary benefits and one is reduced consumerism.  When the computers are stupid, the need to replace them every year or two goes to zero.  We don't want to keep replacing those damn expensive screens either so, hell yes, bring on the holograms.

Another primary benefit in dumb terminals is that the terminal doesn't need to be yours.  You can use any dumb terminal anywhere so you don't need to carry anything.  Think voice-activated for when you're on the move since you should to be able to call out, "Hey, CENTROID, where the fuck am I?"

CENTROID will tell you and off you go with your busy day.

We don't want to be encumbered by external devices.  We don't even like wearing a watch because they're too damn clingy.  None of that in the Rock City since we want computing which isn't an annoying pain in the ass.

Great Security When CENTROID Sees Everything

So what if CENTROID sees anything.  If you're concerned about the state taking it then maybe the problem isn't CENTROID but you need to fix the state.

Just maybe.

Maybe that about does it for computing just now.  We have been allocating various strata within the Rock City to functions such as sewer, water, etc so now we add computing.  Call it ten floors out of one hundred so we have hardly even dented the capacity of the Rock City.

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