Monday, October 3, 2016

Should Be Science Before Too Much Longer

Science Daily goes skimpy over the weekend so that leaves nothing beyond the standard fare of any blog:  sophistry and slander.  We need the science for any kind of sci-fi because otherwise it becomes just another Republican conspiracy theory.  Climate change is just a hustle by elitist liberals to manipulate fake science for a false profit, don'tcha know.

False prophets are just about a dime a dozen these days, tho.  Praise Baphomet!

(Ed:  who is Baphomet?)

Who cares.  Just in case you do, he goes back to the Knights Templar and ...

(Ed:  hold it.  I've heard enough.)

Roger that, Cap'n.

We do have some obvious science since there's a general fantasy of 'things will stay about the same' but they definitely won't since the cities will get bigger as a shitload more people move into them.  We will skip the Republican rant on immigration since the country will die without it and we assume you know that's true due to low birth rate, etc.  Note:  that's true in Germany as well since their birth rate is not high enough to sustain population growth either.

Some of you like the idea of building down rather than up but it sounds more fantasy than sci-fi since no-one will level the DFW cities just because it would be so much cooler to build down instead.

What if your constructed cave cities don't start out trying to replace the megalopolis but rather are built as adjunct satellites around it.  In this way there isn't the mighty problem of replacing anything and it focuses entirely on the population growth you know will come.  Thinking of expansion only along two dimensions only leads to sprawling featureless eyesores like Fort Worth in which endless road time commuting within it only makes the problem worse.

Presumably these satellites would be constructed to purpose and there would be some task-oriented reason to go to one versus another.  That's not a necessity but it seems desirable since we don't want people commuting all over the damn place and wasting their lives in trivial conveyances.  We want to either be there already or get there quickly.

Inevitably there would be high-capacity subways between the satellites and ideally they would be HyperLoops because humans are absolutely fed up to the gills with commuting and being served up the same old hogwash about it being 'the American Way' or some such.  The American Way is doing what we want to do and commuting is hardly ever it.

Don't be getting too claustrophobic in your satellite city because the airport is on the ground level and that's where you can find the aircraft.  When cars are autonomous, how long do you think privately-owned autonomous aircraft will take.  You won't have to get a pilot's license because the vehicle will already have one.  Yahoo, bring it on Aruba.

Individual transportation of that nature is highly non-sci-fi since it's wasteful and extravagant but we will assume these autonomous aircraft are more clever than that and they won't fly to Aruba unless there are enough 'sharers' onboard to make it practical.  The point isn't so much the nature of the ground-level transportation but rather the fact it can be anything you like so long as you only build underneath it.  You could launch Saturn V rockets from the roof if you like as it's not going to break.

This is your two-stage sci-fi since first we have to build the alternative and then we have the freedom to wipe out the concrete horrors which exist now.

As you built the satellite cities, the glittering glass and concrete fantasy of DFW would have fallen to the traditional neglect of inner cities and that's not a problem since the grand finale is migrating the last people out of there and flattening it.  Now the center of your circle of satellites can be used for whatever your demonic hearts desire but please don't erect one of those horrible modern sculptures which don't have any apparent meaning and are constant insults to our sensibilities by telling us we're too dense and stupid to understand them.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, how about this one.  We will build a nuke complex in the center only we will build it underground.  Maybe you ask what we will do with all that heat since it will kill the water supplies in the region by overheating it but, noooo, that won't happen because we aren't going to throw away the heat, we're going to use it to keep the satellites warm.  The cooling water isn't radioactive so no risk.  As we have seen with underground nuclear bomb tests, even if the reactor explodes, it won't get out although the bang may jiggle your china a little bit.

Fark!  I'm diggin' this one.  Screw the ugly ass solar panels or the wind turbines killing golden eagles, this could work.

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