Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Science to Help Wounds Heal Faster

This Summer featured a regrettable frequency of surgeries for skin cancer and the slowest to heal were not the incisions to remove live cancers but rather the biopsy sites which turned out negative.  In the most recent examples, it's been almost two months and the sites are only just now finally healing. Science has a particularly unusual solution for improving the therapeutic efficacy of the dressings and that's to electrify the adhesive.  (Science Daily:  Self-adhesive dressing generates electrical current that promotes healing, reduces infection risk)

Read the article for the deep science about how they do it but our interest is in what they're doing.  My circumstance wasn't as extreme as for many for whom healing of this nature is a chronic problem.  We have heard reports many times of how people survive surgery but infections such as MRSA kill them in recovery.  Apparently this protocol makes great progress in combatting the potential for that. It seems the adhesive generates the electrical current so, again, read the article as this one is extremely strange so get it from the author.

The interest is high personally because it was such a trial as the biopsy sites healed.  They present a large surface area and the skin is entirely removed so it has a much more difficult task than 'knitting' skin back together again as from abrasions and the like because there's simply nothing there for the building.  One of the biggest problems was the allergic reaction to adhesives and this is a common thing since they're irritating in various degrees to just about anyone's skin.  The new adhesive may well address that plus it provides active therapeutic benefit besides.  Well, well, I think I might like to try that next time.

Infection becomes a progressively higher concern as life progresses.  It's always a huge risk but your ability to recover from it is much higher when you're young.  Infection is one of the biggest fears here at the Rockhouse and that obviously arises after any type of surgery but another aspect of infection avoidance is going almost full-out Howard Hughes and staying away from people, particularly children.  It will only take one good going respiratory infection to box me and the avoidance strategy works since I haven't had a 'cold' in years.  I've had my share of other stuff but that didn't arrive via infection.

No need for a dissertation since we know infection is scary business but the sciencers seem to make solid progress and this seemingly simple thing may save many lives.

As to why even look for such things when my shit is weak (i.e. elegant Army expression) and it doesn't offer anything to me, the hope is the light and I need the hope even when the light is for someone else.  The human race isn't going to die simply because I vacate so the hope comes in seeing it will take care of itself.  Part of the reason for looking so assiduously toward science for hope is the absence of it in politicians, none of whom seem to have much hope for anything.

Tip:  get rid of the politicians and start over with better quality.  The ones you have had for decades are rubbish.

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