Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Exceptional Environmental News from a Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog

We're sure everyone is familiar with Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs but I shamefully admit I knew zip about them.  My general awareness of frogs and amphibians in general has been they have been dying out and sometimes due to dramatically quick population reductions in a worrisome process which has been happening for about twenty years.  Note:  don't anticipate continued doom and gloom since that's not where we're heading.

Tracking of the problem with amphibians hasn't been active during that time and I was not aware of any particular change to the circumstance.  As far as I knew, sciencers weren't having success determining what was causing the amphibian die-offs so it didn't appear there was much hope for them.

That was true until we heard about the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog since he is (cough) rebounding.  You probably expect that from frogs anyway but his population numbers are increasing and that's a spectacular effort in California.  (CBS News:  Scientists: Endangered frog rebounding in Yosemite park)

Note:  the reason for a reference to CBS or any other secondary news source is it's carrying the AP wire.  CBS doesn't have anything to do with it except to provide the mouthpiece.  I've verified such articles carry the contents of the original AP wire verbatim but the formatting on the original is stark so I don't link to it directly.

When we hear that population is recovering, it's very nice, very nice but when we hear why it gets even better.  It seems the cause of the amphibian die-offs was a chytrid fungus and we don't know what it is either but it's death to frogs.  The beauty part is the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs are developing an immunity to it so hopefully that will be true for additional amphibian species worldwide.

That's about all we have on frogs so how about a picture of a beautiful girl in Indonesia who is taking part in a street fashion show although we leave it to your twisted minds to determine what fashion she presents.

Banda Aceh, Indonesia
A model takes part in a street fashion show during Aceh fashion week

Photograph: Chaideer Mahyuddin/AFP/Getty Images

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