Monday, October 10, 2016

Random Notes

The Doctrine of Manifest Destiny isn't my preference to present since it's not my intention to be a teacher.  When Yevette didn't know what it is I thought maybe others do not as well and the topic is too important to allow to slide.  She was clearly shocked by what's in it.

The Silas is sick and it's extremely difficult getting food into me even when any is present.  There's no good answer just now but I'm scheduled to see the VA doctor in a week.

Yevette was amused by this version of 'trickle down:'

Russians are taking social media to the ISS ... with a robot.  That should be sufficient to annihilate any further productivity up there.  Socialize or work, kids, as you can't do both unless you're a hooker.  (RT:  Launching social media in space: Russian cosmic robot Spotty to join ISS team)

Trump actually sounds much more coherent than Clinton or Obama regarding working with Putin to resolve problems with ISIS bilaterally.  If he's willing to stand up to the Pentagon rather than showing the typical White House spinelessness toward that crew of Manifest Destiny horrors, there may be actual hope.  Obama may actually be innocent and it's the Pentagon unilaterally undermining cooperation with Russia but he's said nothing so the charge stands.

Congress is the Most Dilatory Entity in America

DILATORY is the Word of the Day and lately the offerings have been lackluster but this one is useful and immediately applicable.  Likely if you don't know it you have guessed already as procrastinating.

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