Friday, October 7, 2016

Life When You Don't Screw With It

Welcome to Yevette's place and nothing is ever done to this land so it grows as it will and critters can live there as they like.  I wasn't there for this picture but visualize the sound of the birds all around.

For various reasons, the land won't be developed so the critters are safe there indefinitely.  In fact, that location is miles from here but there was a raccoon walking around outside near the house the other day and he was as bold as a cat burglar.  It was broad daylight and he wasn't shy at all.

Note:  'coons are serious predators and maybe you think a cat can mess you up but a 'coon can wreck you.  Don't screw with them.

About the only thing which will freak any critters is Yevette and the Texas Tallboy like to shoot guns out there.  They don't shoot animals, just cans.  It's a Texas thing.  I may never understand (larfs).

I've shot guns plenty and after you do it you need to clean them.  What a drag.

Note:  I only did it because the Army required it.  Apart from that I've never owned nor desired to own a gun.  I like watching animals and I don't understand killing them unless it's for survival.

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