Friday, October 21, 2016

In America You Can Still Walk Around With a Skull on a Stick

This article is confirmation there is some news I really won't link since there honestly was a woman walking around Sacramento, near another of my ex-hometowns, and she had a human skull on a stick.  Feel free to Google it to find the citation of your liking but that one isn't invited to Ithaka.  Tip: it was on Fox.

The woman involved seems obviously possessed of diminished mental capabilities even beyond the skull on the stick but it's not surprising when, in the Days of Darkness, Reagan said 'fuck mental health' and nothing much has been done about it since.

In this case, there is positivity in the bust by cops since they will see there's no question she's barking mad and they're not likely to get aggressive with her unless she starts throwing violent crazy instead of her current twisted crazy.

Most likely the woman will get referred to a looney ward in a hospital and she will still get booted after some days because Reagan but we need a wee bit better than because, well, human hearts.

It's a sure bet you don't want to hang about with a woman who carries a skull on a stick and you're really going to freak if she goes anywhere near your children but it's cruel to put her in a jail where she probably wouldn't even understand what is happening to her.

Lotho and I have gone back and forth with some pronounced concerns regarding opiate addiction but that's almost entirely directed toward people who can be helped and hopefully brought to the realization they're worth saving and death is a shit option not a dramatic statement about futility at all.

The woman with a skull on a stick probably can't be fixed to the point where she will be functional too much but right now she is homeless and lives under a bridge or someplace equally primal because of that mental health illness.

I'm sorry if this sounds preachy or pedantic but it breaks my damn heart seeing this damaged woman regarded as a public freak show.

Maybe she carries that skull about as if she's Diogenes in a search for an honest man.  Who knows what she seeks to find but I sure wish someone would help her find it or help her beyond giving her a pat on the ass in a psych emergency ward and then turning her out on the street again.

Note:  Diogenes is the hero of all social malcontents.  He's said to have mocked Alexander the Great and who ever heard of chutzpah like that.  (WIKI: Diogenes of Sinope)

The apology is authentic but the woman is emblematic of broken humans and my heart feels her.  She searches and searches, seemingly every way she can, but maybe she's so broken she doesn't know anymore what she's trying to find, she only knows she has to find it.  Then she becomes a metaphor for something much larger but we don't want a metaphor, we want some help for her.

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