Friday, October 7, 2016

Culture Within the Rock City

Expectation of some amorphous culture within the Rock City is "1984" thinking but that's not acceptable and we anticipate diversity.  The primary driver for that is people aren't required to stay in any given Rock City.  Lose any idea of a police state since that's one of the things we seek to prevent.

The Rock City shouldn't fill to whatever population maximum is designed for it because we want enough reserve buffer space to accommodate people moving in / out of it.  This flexibility is what ideally will permit different cultures to build.

Maybe that conjures the vision of the worst racist nightmare in which one of the Rock Cities fills entirely with black people but so what.  These are not underprivileged black people, they're just people, and they have chosen to associate because of shared histories and all the reasons humans do such things.

(Ed:  this sounds like it could create Greek city states)

Frankly, we're not seeing a problem if it does.  Perhaps a Rock City becomes a huge art colony to make the New Athens.  We want the flexibility for such a thing because humanity demands it and these are the things humanity does.  Such things mustn't be encumbered by the construction or we fail before we start.

Note:  there won't be a Rock City for the original Athens because Greece is such an earthquake zone it would be madness to consider such a thing there.  The same is true for a belt from there to Tibet and presumably on around the Pacific Ring of Fire after that.  Rock City constructions can only take place in areas with high geological stability but that doesn't mean Greece gets blown off and left to rot.  Rock City people will probably still want to visit Greece and I recommend it highly because, present or future, they bake the best bread in the world.

The reason people in the Rock Cities are not underprivileged is part of large-scale change in the economy in which it pulls back from headlong production and goes toward a more sensible level, more equitable distribution, etc.

Part of the understanding necessary for this is the scope of it since we anticipate every metropolis on the planet would do it except for those with geological constraints.  The motivation for doing it is we can offer far more surface area than the city because every square inch is multiplied by one hundred floors or whatever number of floors the design team decides is optimal.  We won't just be able to house all the people in the world, we will be able to do it easily.

Given that capacity, we want fulfillment for humans in doing what we do.  Tribes aren't just for black people or red people since clans are the same thing and the Celts made one of the most diverse tribes ever.  There has to be enough potential for movement between the Rock Cities that people can gravitate as we like.  Cultures inevitably form within that because that's what humans do as well.

Oh, and we will eliminate war with these Rock Cities, you know.  There's no point in trying to take one from someone else since it would only keep doing what it does already.  You can't destroy one without a direct hit from a nuke and what's the point of that either.  The old hawk mantra of 'bomb them into the Stone Age' doesn't work because, buddy, they're already in the Stone Age ... and enjoying it thoroughly, thank you very much.  They can send B-52s all day long and it won't do more than piss them off for all the noise.

(Ed:  what about terrorists blowing it up from inside?)

In achieving a more equitable distribution, we eliminate the driver for terrorism.  Conflict almost always comes from trying to drive out the bad guys and / or because the other guy has something I want.  The Rock Cities all have the same things since they're all homes carved out of rock and no-one is sleeping in the desert anymore.  The idea of coming to take his stuff because he has more of it doesn't apply like that anymore.  He doesn't have a garage full of cars, he doesn't even have a garage.

One aspect of the radical economic change is the substantial reduction in personal automobiles will result in an enormous drop in global oil consumption.  The Middle East will be just about picking the last feathers from that Golden Goose so there will be equalization in a great many ways.

As to why anyone would pony up a dime for this, they probably won't but what say we ask them again when the water is rising in Manhattan.  Since we budget a minimum of twenty years from project start to when a Rock City is completed. it's probably a sensible idea to get cracking unless you plan on wearing wet shoes for quite a while.  You can see the water is rising so you have two choices:  prepare or get wet because the water always wins.

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