Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Corporal Punishment As It Goes in Bloom County

Some of the sibs may still bear some resentment over 'spankings' as kids but I don't.  I can't say I enjoyed them at the time but they gave me a good, healthy contempt for authority which is vital in America.

Unknown if this is today's strip or someone is carrying a torch for punishments in the past but it's priceless either way.

Many fifties / sixties parents would be in jail under current standards for child discipline and my ol' Dad would be one of them.  There's no intention of whitewashing anything since the difference remains between reasonable punishment and acting like an asshole.  My ol' Dad did many great things extremely well but this wasn't one of them.

Don't even think about calling this whining since I know many my age lived through the same type of 'family discipline' and it's a bit unfortunate when people make excuses for them.  Oh, gee, it made me a better person.

Like hell it did and more than likely it means such people behaved the same way.  Since I never had any kids, I don't know how I would have behaved and maybe that's better.  I would hate to discover that in myself.


Anonymous said...

I believe that his form of discipline is the reason that your sibs sought almost every form of discipline except his.
There are many lessons that he taught well. Most were how not to proceed. And those were actually the most important to me as I am where I am because of them

Unknown said...

I didn't think the sibs were doing but I do suspect many parents do follow their own parents that way.

Some of his lessons were definitely on things not to do but the best one I got was toward excellence and doing the best you can. I don't regret that one in any kind of way. I don't miss the spanking, tho (larfs).

Anonymous said...

I missed that one. He only strove for excellence in those areas attached to his work at the University.
He was a terrible mechanic. In fact he was pretty lousy at all things that used manual dexterity. These areas he strive for good enough.

Unknown said...

I share that lack of mechanical ability so that part I didn't see but seeing him as a teacher showed him in his element. There he shone but in other areas he could get a tad mixed-up.

Anonymous said...

He was funny. He never understood yhat I did not have his passion for knowledge. He made a comment about his student that were like that. If knowledge was given in a pill you would fight to get as much in the pill as possible so why would not fight to gain in it other ways also. He never understood that it was important to me.
You are the only one in the family that has his same thirst

Anonymous said...

He was funny. He never understood yhat I did not have his passion for knowledge. He made a comment about his student that were like that. If knowledge was given in a pill you would fight to get as much in the pill as possible so why would not fight to gain in it other ways also. He never understood that it was important to me.
You are the only one in the family that has his same thirst

Unknown said...

To some extent it was similar with computers but I'm not so sure that was passion so much as a twisted curiosity. No need to get semantic but I'll definitely cop to big packet of curiosity. It's like with these Science Daily articles as they're almost like rock shows in which I go with the expectation of blow me away, man. Sometimes they do and those I bring here.

I know Doc was chasing Sartre, Kierkegaard, and multiple heavy-weight philosophers but it's the same thing of is it passion or curiosity and you have a wall of books with multiple interesting titles. It seems like you can build a house practically by yourself whereas generally people couldn't care less how to build houses, they just want the a roof which doesn't leak. It's the same with motor building with both of you as the most sophisticated (cough) mechanical thing I ever did was changing a water pump. Wow (larfs). There has to be some kind of 3D visualization for motor building which is there in me for imaginary things but applying that to anything real is almost impossible.

Anonymous said...

Building houses I know morons that build houses. If I were doing something like The Biltmore etc that is striving for excellence I just play to pay bills

Anonymous said...

Not even my hobbies do I strive for excellence better than most is usually fine

Unknown said...

That was mostly my thinking with guitar since I knew I would never be excellent but better than most seemed ok ... for forty years (larfs).

Unknown said...

Well, this moron has no idea how you do it. Assigning me to any mechanical task is a spectacularly bad idea! Virtual I can do but I can't do that.

Anonymous said...

You strive for excellence but accept less I just dont care

Unknown said...

Fair enough as I suppose I do but I'm not buying this about not caring. I've seen all the work you have put into the pond and how you continue cultivating the fish living in it. Ha!