Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cool Science We Just Liked

Here's a roll with science which wouldn't roll out to individual articles but it's still cool enough we want a mention for it.  All links are to Science Daily.

Color-changing smart material sensor to alert user to get out of sun

The flip response to this one is your body provides a sensor to tell you when to get out of the sun and it's your skin.  The experienced response is your skin can't react anywhere near fast enough to alert you that you're burning.  By the time you're aware of it, you're probably already burned.

The science in this one is a small patch which affixes to you or your clothing and you can observe that for realistic measures of your exposure.  As a white guy who has had a boatload of run-ins with skin cancer, this looks exceptionally excellent and maybe most for mother since it may be difficult to estimate what baby can handle (assuming baby should be out there at all ... what do I know).

Lord of the Rings: Archaeologists unveil new findings from Greek warrior's tomb

These rings are about 3,500 years old and were buried with the warrior.  His tomb has been thoroughly excavated and apparently it wasn't desecrated by grave robbers which is highly amazing after such an enormous time.  Check the article for specifics on what they found and what it means.

Part of the coolness is the excavation was led by an archaeological team from the University of Cincinnati and it seems their discovery ranks highly enough it will get world wide coverage and a feature in the New York Times.  Welcome to the Big League.

Our galaxy's most-mysterious star is even stranger than astronomers thought

The star is the current most-popular freakshow since it does Peculiar Things so this has given rise to all manner of Internet speculation as to the cause.  The brightness of the star goes up and down at perplexing intervals and one explanation was the change is caused by orbiting megastructures.

(Ed:  wtf is a megastructure?)

No-one knows but astronomy writers get off on words like that.  Now they will need some more frivolous language because scientists have discovered there's another type of unexplained variability in the star.

(Ed:  it's the Tralfamadorians signaling!)

Of course but no-one asked Vonnegut.

Keeping your synapses sharp: How spermidine reverses age-related memory decline

One drag to getting old is you think up this cool shit and then can't remember what it was.  Research with spermidine seems to address that.  Since I have no idea what spermidine is either, here's the quick view:

Spermidine is a polyamine compound (C7 H19 N3) found in ribosomes and living tissues, and having various metabolic functions within organisms.  It was originally isolated from semen.  (WIKI:  Spermidine)

That's some magical stuff and it's part of the incredible volume of research going toward aging and life extension.

English shoppers ditch the carrier bag

The change was such a simple thing but it must have eliminated such an enormous volume of plastic. As soon as markets implemented a charge for the plastic bags for their products, use of them plummeted and people switched to bringing their own bags.  Check the article for yourself as it seems it was just about that simple.

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