Wednesday, October 12, 2016

About Predicting the Future

We constantly see the New School journos trying to patronize us with their idiot forecasts for the future but there's an easier way to obtain information since you can visit a psychic.

By the way, don't visit this one.  The shop is out of business.  I guess she didn't see that coming, huh?

One thing I can predict with confidence for the future is Yevette will vote for Clinton but it's not my purpose to tell anyone what to do and she knows that.  Cadillac Man will likely do the same thing and for the same reason insofar as Clinton is better than nothing.  I disagree with that position since I would just call off the election and start again with candidates who don't insult us.  In any case, the weakest kinds of humans are those who seek to control and, as above, it's not my purpose.

I have no idea if they call themselves Democrats but Yevette rarely uses the term since it stopped having any meaning and I haven't heard Cadillac Man use it either.

Note:  I may have been too harsh in the next article regarding Neo Democrats but not too much.  Mostly I see the plastic journos from The Guardian who are endlessly prattling about women's rights ... but very little else.  My only reaction to it after seeing a great deal of it now is 'grow the fuck up and think about someone other than yourself for once in your shallow life.'

Yah, I'm brutal and I'm not even faintly defensive in saying I'm brutal in response to the brutalization of America in the way the Democrat Party was degraded, demeaned, and turned into a tiny shadow play of what it once was and how the Republican Party is really just comprised of a pack of financial rapists.  When Republicans are voting for Clinton for her militaristic tendencies, the game is over for the Democratic Party ... unless you change it back to what it's supposed to be, the party for the people.

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