Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pandering the Paroxysms of Political Punditry

Not surprisingly, the older femmes are in multiple orgasms this morning but we're not interested in the regular Rat Patrol pandering, we want to pander the panderers.

(Ed:  you're thinking you can breed them?)

Fucking hell.  I didn't consider the possibility they reproduce.

Sometimes the greatest glee in an Old Fucker's life is living long enough to say, see, I fucking told you so but you didn't listen, did yewwwww.

But we won't say anything because by that time it's too fucking late, isn't it.

We don't have much truck with pundit clairvoyance but one thing we foresee is a variation on an old bumper sticker:


Yevette asked me what is this with 'die caneechee' or whatever??  What sick trip is that?

First we need the pronunciation since Die Kaninchen is auf Deutsch and it goes 'DEE kah-NIN-chen' for a way to say 'the rabbits' hardly anyone will understand.

(Ed:  Germans will!)

Well, yah, and I was going to say, well, it's a bitch that you're not German ... but ...  it may surprise you that Germany is number two after America for readers.  No, I don't understand that either but there's not a whole hell of a lot I do understand about Ithaka since it's patently obvious I just guess on things you may find interesting.  The only criterion is if I think it's interesting then mebbe you will ... or you won't read it.  Life is simple that way (larfs).

I wrote an article on the origin of Die Kaninchen with Trixie, the cutest little number in Germany who makes jokes about the differences between English and German.  She's skilled in both and she's good at it.  Her set is about fearing rabbits but she calls her followers 'rabbits' and I don't quite grok that logic but, following her lead, readers here become Die Kaninchen, the rabbits which is the translation from German.  (Ithaka: Here's Trixie, the Inspiration for the Kaninchen (video))

Die Kaninchen see things other people see because you're smart, see.  Really smart.  You know you are and you're not locked into boxes with little military letters on the outside with special codes to identify what you are.  You will believe what's rational and anything else can take a fucking walk because we're had a huge overload of irrational and we're fucking sick of it ... unless it has vampires since you have been seriously diggin' them this morning.  (Ithaka:  Going Off in Search of the Vampire Squid)

As I say, I have no idea what will klick your klack but vampires seem to be on the list.  We will be leaving the pundits to their paroxysms but y'all want vampires.

Check.  Got that.

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