Thursday, October 20, 2016

When Stephen Hawking Talks, the Pundits Get a Headline

Stephen Hawking is a great one for the huge one-liners which gets the crowd gasping but probably the way it goes is pundits ignore anything else he says until they hear one they can use.  With that one-liner in-hand, they know, man, I can share the shit out of people with this one.  (RT: Robots could be the worst thing ever for humanity, warns Stephen Hawking)

Worst thing ever for humanity?  How about bubonic plague as humanity was really diggin' that one.  A line like that will attract pundits like flies are attracted to ... well, you know what attracts flies.

When Hawking said, 'there is no God,' people started gasping and saying, well, he knows about Higgs Boson so he must know.  Unless Higgs Bosons make gods, we're not clear on how his evidence is germane but it sure got people to fluttering.  He's the Smartest Man in the World so surely he must know.

He ain't the smartest and, get this, Raquel Welch has a higher IQ at 180 than Hawking at about 160.  He's probably smarter than Die Kaninchen since 160 is about where IQ starts going stratospheric.

(Ed: he is smarter than most Presidents!)

Tip on that, Political Patsy, as a washing machine is smarter than most Presidents ... and most of them have been on the spin cycle for way the fuck too long.

Maestro, rim shot, please.

Hawking has got the hysterical warning down but there's no review of what to do about it or, as is easily possible, pundits threw that out because it didn't have enough drama.  Isaac Asimov foretold the potential danger in robots, oh, about seventy-five years ago and from that he projected the need for the Three Laws of Robotics:

  • A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  • A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

As we take a look over the field of robots in the world, how many of them do you think know anything of the Three Laws of Robotics, huh.

Right, they didn't fucking program that fail-safe into any of them, did they.

(Ed:  drone military aircraft and such won't work if they honor the Three Laws!)

Of course they won't but building those and worrying at the same time about the survival of humanity doesn't make any fucking sense whatsoever, does it.

(Ed:  computers are way more advanced now than DO loops and IF / THEN / ELSE logic, you old washed-up coot!)

Well, here at the Rockhouse, we submit if you're worried about robots being the worst thing possible for humanity then just maybe computers are not too advanced at all with their whizzy neutral networks and all their whizbang trimmings, their quantum processing, and boop boop be do.

Note:  one thing we're sure without needing evidence is somewhere, most likely a bank or many of them, they're still running fucking COBOL programs and that will probably be true right up until the meteor strikes the Earth.

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