Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Verifying Twitterfeed is Working Correctly - Updated

There was an issue with Twitterfeed in which updates were not getting posted to Twitter and consequently nowhere beyond Twitter.  This article is only a test to verify updates are flowing and it may well result in the last three going out at the same time.

This is only a test.  In the event of an actual emergency, you would have been advised to crouch under your school desk which would have afforded no more protection than wearing an aluminum foil hat.  (That's not an exaggeration.  The official government recommendation for school children was to get under the school desk for protection against a nuclear attack.  Whether governments have become any more intelligent in the intervening years is left for the interested student to explore.)


New articles are going through correctly but the bug prevented the last ones from being posted.  I'll do that manually.

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