Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Marlboro Cigarettes in Greece

Marlboro cigarettes are here in Greece and I really should make some effort to quit but I'd be lying if I said I care very much.  One good thing about the scooter is that you can't smoke while you're riding ... but it has a windshield so it might be possible!  I don't think it's all that Marlon Brando to be smoking while you ride a Vespa, tho.  Maybe I'll see if I can get a pic with me sitting on the Vespa while I'm wearing a t-shirt with a pack of Marlboros rolled up in the sleeve.  That'd be pretty hot, right?

Daisy wants to come out so she asked if they sell Winstons over here because ... de dum de dum ... everybody must get stoned!

Well, maybe Bob Dylan is getting stoned but I haven't seen it here.  I'd smoke it if it were in front of me but I gather they thump you hard for possession and discovering the wonders of a Greek jail isn't high on my list of priorities.

So, sure, you can get Marlboro cigarettes here and they're cheaper than in the U.S.  Petrol is more expensive but cigarettes are cheaper.

Just as in the U.S., the packages have warning labels that everyone ignores:

Το Καπνισμα μπορει να σκοτωσει

Ο καπνος περιεχει βενζολιο νιτροζαμινες φορμαλδευομ και υδροκυανιο

See, you want to quit already, right? 

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